Funnelback users in the DXP

DXP user accounts

User accounts in the DXP currently only support local DXP accounts. Support for changing SAML providers or using your own SAML for single sign-on is not currently supported.

DXP user roles

In the DXP, Funnelback users are managed via the user administration screen in the DXP console. The permissions within Funnelback are then based on this role assignment.

Users are assigned one of the following DXP roles:

  • content editor: Content editors are able to view analytics and content reports within the search insights dashboard.

  • site builder: Site builders have full access to the insights dashboard, and are able to view analytics and content reports, as well as access the optimization features such best bets, curator and synonyms.

  • developer: Developers have access to the insights dashboard and search dashboard. This provides full access to the insights dashboard (see site builder role above) as well as management of the search itself. Developers can manage the search configuration including creating/editing/deleting data sources, search packages and results pages. The can schedule data source updates, edit results page templates and configuration, enable plugins, access the search APIs.