Default call (auto-completion)
Used to trigger auto-completion when input form is focused and there is no typed-in value (input is empty). This allows to display predefined list of suggestions to user.
Note It requires parameter (length=0).
Configuration options:
- used to set as query to trigger auto-completion -
[{value: '', label: ''}, {value: '', label: ''}]
- list of hardcoded data to fulfill a dropdown menu -
{data: [], filter: function(completion, data)}
- use (filter function)[] to map a list of hardcoded data -
{filter: function(completion, data), params: {}, url: ''}
- use (filter function)[] to map data loaded from the server using a HTTP GET request by calling URL with given parameters
Display suggestions for query "funnelback"
defaultCall: 'funnelback'
Display fixed list of suggestions
defaultCall: [{value: "CSE", label:"CSE"}, {value: "Engineering", label:"Engineering"}]
Adjust fixed list of suggestions to required format and display it
defaultCall: {
data: [{title: "CSE", url: ''}, {title: "Engineering", url: ''}],
filter: function(item, data) {
return, function(item, i) { return {value: item.title, label: item.title, extra: {action: item.url, action_t: 'U'}, rank: i + 1}; });
Request data from remote URL and display as list of suggestions
defaultCall: {
filter: myCustomFunctionToMapData
params: {},
url: 'http://my-domain/custom-suggestions-list'