

The compression algorithm to use when transferring compressible files to push data source slaves. The following options are available:

  • GZIP: Gives good compression but is the slowest. Should be used when a slaves network bandwidth no more than 100Mbps

  • LZF: Gives good compression but still uses some CPU on the master.

  • NONE: No compression.

  • ZSTD: ZSTD with the default compression level, usually level 3. Gives good compression typically as good as gzip but runs in about 1/10 of the time.

  • ZSTD1: ZSTD but with compression level 1. Gives almost as good compression as ZSTD but is about twice as fast.

  • ZSTD2: ZSTD but with compression level 2.

  • ZSTD3: ZSTD but with compression level 3.

Setting the key

Set this configuration key in the search package or data source configuration.

Use the configuration key editor to add or edit the push.replication.compression-algorithm key, and set the value. This can be set to any valid PushReplicationCompressionAlgorithm allowed values: GZIP, LZF, NONE, ZSTD, ZSTD1, ZSTD2 or ZSTD3 value.

Default value

Default is LZF.



If 42 push slaves are all sharing the same 1Gbps link to master then ZSTD1 can be used to save network resources and CPU resources:
