Search-based auto-completion
Funnelback has a native auto-completion system (suggest.json
) that suggests completions as the user types. This auto-completion system uses a JSON REST API to provide suggestions based on the user’s partially entered query using a lightweight search algorithm. This ensures that suggestions are returned quickly and with minimal load on the server.
In some cases however, there may be a need to use the full text search algorithm to provide suggestions to the user. In doing this however, we face a couple of challenges:
The user has not entered the full query they are looking for. We may only have queries like "con" or "dav" not giving a lot of context to what the user is searching for yet.
The time it takes to run a full query using the standard search algorithm is slower than using the native autocompletion system
To overcome these challenges we can take the following steps:
Utilize the top suggestions from the native autocomplete and perform a full text search based on these suggestions
Limit the data returned by the result packet
Turn off unnecessary search features or settings
Occasionally Funnelback’s auto-completion is too basic to service the needs of a user, and it becomes necessary to use a standard Funnelback results page and query to supply the auto-completion.
The following process can be used to setup search based auto-completion.
The use of search-based auto-completion is not recommended and should be avoided unless other auto-completion options have been exhausted. Funnelback’s built-in auto-completion system is designed for speed (and minimal system overhead when the request is processed). Using a standard query to produce query completion can result in significant load being placed on the server as a query can be fired for each user keystroke. |
Setup process
Create a results page that will be used to deliver auto-completion suggestions
Add the following to the query processor options for the results page to ensure the query is optimized.
-stem=0 -SM=off -rmcf=[dummyvalue] -spelling=off -contextual_navigation=false -QL=0 -log=false -countgbits= -collapsing=false -show_qsyntax_tree=off
text -
Add the following custom Freemarker template to the results page:
<#ftl output_format="JSON" encoding="utf-8" /> <#import "/web/templates/modernui/funnelback_classic.ftl" as s/> <#import "/web/templates/modernui/funnelback.ftl" as fb/> <#if question.inputParameters?seq_contains("callback")>${question.inputParameters["callback"]?first}(</#if>[ <@s.AfterSearchOnly> <#if response.resultPacket.resultsSummary.totalMatching != 0> <@s.Results> <#if s.result.class.simpleName != "TierBar"> { "key" : "<#if question.inputParameters?seq_contains("partial_query")>${question.inputParameters["partial_query"]?first}</#if>", "disp" : "${s.result.title}", "disp_t" : "T", "wt" : "${s.result.score}", "cat" : "", "cat_t" : "1", "action" : "${s.result.clickTrackingUrl}", "action_t" : "U" }<#if (s.result.rank < response.resultPacket.resultsSummary.currEnd)>,</#if> </#if> </@s.Results> </#if> </@s.AfterSearchOnly>] <#if question.inputParameters?seq_contains("callback")>)</#if>
html -
Enable the query language - wildcard (truncation) support plugin.
Add the following options to the results page configuration:
8 1
Note: set 1 as per the plugin setup instructions.