Filter example - read a configuration file
This example shows how to read configuration options contained in a custom configuration file from a filter.
The filter used in this example is the source code for v1.0.0 of the Add extra metadata to content plugin provided in the Squiz DXP.
Custom configuration files
The plugin framework supports use of a custom configuration file specified as either a simple .txt
file, or as a structured .json
This example uses a JSON file to capture a series of rules used to apply metadata to documents.
Step 1: Define the JSON structure
The JSON format below is defined to capture a metadata rule:
"name": "<rule name>",
"description": "<rule description>",
"patternType": "<rule pattern type>",
"pattern": "<URL pattern>",
"metadata": {
"<metadata name1>": "<metadata value1>",
"<metadata name2": "<metadata value2>"
We will support a JSON file that contains one or more of these rules.
Step 2: Define the configuration file name
Add public static final String PLUGIN_CONFIG_FILE = "external-metadata.json";
to the to define the name of the configuration file that the plugin will load:
package com.funnelback.plugin.addmetadatatourl;
public class PluginUtils {
public static final String PLUGIN_NAME = "add-metadata-to-url";
public static final String PLUGIN_CONFIG_FILE = "external-metadata.json" ; (1)
1 | Sets the name of the configuration file we will load. |
Step 3: Define a Java class to capture a configuration item
Once you know what fields are going to be captured in the configuration file create a Java class to capture the fields of the rule. We will call our class AddMetadataToUrlRule
package com.funnelback.plugin.addmetadatatourl;
import lombok.*;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class AddMetadataToUrlRule {
enum PatternType {
@Getter @Setter private String description; (2)
@Getter @Setter private String name;
@Getter @Setter private String pattern;
@Getter @Setter private PatternType patternType;
@Getter @Setter private Map <String, String> metadata = new HashMap<String, String>();
1 | Defines a set of allowed values that are accepted by the patternType field |
2 | Sets up variables of appropriate types to hold the configuration contained in each rule. |
Step 4: Write Java code into the filter to read the configuration file
Write logic into the main filter class for the plugin to open the configuration file and read all of the configuration into the object defined in step 3.
Here we add logic to the PreFilterCheck
method to check for the existence of the configuration file as a pre-condition to running the filter.
If the file exists, we parse the file into a JSON object.
When the filter processes a document we parse the configuration and populate a variable
package com.funnelback.plugin.addmetadatatourl;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonFactory;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonToken;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.funnelback.filter.api.FilterContext;
import com.funnelback.filter.api.FilterResult;
import com.funnelback.filter.api.documents.NoContentDocument;
import com.funnelback.filter.api.documents.StringDocument;
import com.funnelback.filter.api.filters.PreFilterCheck;
import com.funnelback.filter.api.filters.StringDocumentFilter;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
public class AddMetadataToUrlStringFilter implements StringDocumentFilter {
private static final Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(AddMetadataToUrlStringFilter.class);
private JsonParser parser;
public PreFilterCheck canFilter(NoContentDocument noContentDocument, FilterContext filterContext) {
Optional<String> config = filterContext.pluginConfigurationFile(PluginUtils.PLUGIN_CONFIG_FILE); (1)
if (config.isEmpty()) { (2)
log.warn("No '{}' plugin configuration file is provided so the plugin will not run.", PluginUtils.PLUGIN_CONFIG_FILE);
return PreFilterCheck.SKIP_FILTER;
} else {
try {
parser = new JsonFactory().createParser(config.get()); (3)
parser.setCodec(new ObjectMapper());
if (!parser.nextToken().equals(JsonToken.START_ARRAY)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Plugin configuration file expects to have a top-level array");
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Plugin configuration file couldn't be processed", e);
return PreFilterCheck.ATTEMPT_FILTER;
public FilterResult filterAsStringDocument(StringDocument stringDocument, FilterContext filterContext) {
ListMultimap<String, String> metadata = stringDocument.getCopyOfMetadata();
try {
while(parser.nextToken().equals(JsonToken.START_OBJECT)) {
AddMetadataToUrlRule rule = parser.readValueAs(AddMetadataToUrlRule.class); (4)
applyRule(rule, stringDocument.getURI().toString(), metadata); (5)
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to read next rule from configuration file: " + e.getMessage());
return FilterResult.of(stringDocument.cloneWithMetadata(metadata));
private void applyRule(AddMetadataToUrlRule rule, String url, ListMultimap<String, String> metadata) {
Function<Boolean, Boolean> setMetadata = toApply -> {
if (toApply) {
rule.getMetadata().forEach((k, v) -> {
metadata.put(k, v);
log.debug("Add extra metadata '{}: {}' from rule '{}'", k, v , rule.getName());
return true;
log.debug("URL {} hasn't matched provided pattern for rule '{}'", url, rule.getName());
return false;
log.debug("Apply rule: {} to URL {}", rule.toString(), url);
switch (rule.getPatternType()) {
case LEFT_MATCH: setMetadata.apply(url.startsWith(rule.getPattern())); break;
case SUBSTRING: setMetadata.apply(url.contains(rule.getPattern())); break;
Pattern urlPattern = Pattern.compile(rule.getPattern(), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
default: log.debug("Invalid pattern type was provided. Expected values are: {}", AddMetadataToUrlRule.PatternType.values());
1 | Loads the configuration file name from the filterContext using the configuration file name defined in PluginUtils . |
2 | Only run the filter if the configuration file exists and is non-empty |
3 | Check that the JSON is valid. |
4 | Parse the JSON and read it in to the AddMetadataToUrlRule object. |
5 | Applies the metadata rule to the document. |