

Synonyms are used to modify queries as they are submitted by search users. This can be done on a word by word basis or on a whole of query basis.


synonyms.cfg is usually created by the synonyms editor on the insights dashboard.


A text file, beginning with a line indicating the version number of the thesaurus. Each subsequent line indicates an entire query or query term that will be expanded into a different query or query term. Each line is then:


where type is a character indicating the type of expansion:


indicates a term by term expansion


indicates a whole of query expansion


indicates a regular expression expansion


PADRE Thesaurus Version: 3
%=imigration=[immigration imigration]=v2=d45a0dbf-27fc-490b-b844-ea4113928ff1=A20220525224718.737Z=A20230402221750.913Z
+=DEST=[DEST "Department of Education Science and Training"]=v2=70497ede-f102-4f04-b41a-3be54b653610=A20220525224718.742Z=A20220525224718.742Z
%=lawyer=[lawyer barrister solicitor]=v2=efcee202-4f77-4e98-af64-ab5d88bd827f=A20220525224737.029Z=A20220525224737.029Z

The above configuration will result in queries being expanded as follows:

  • imigration → [immigration imigration]

  • imigration laws → [immigration imigration] laws

  • DEST → [DEST "Department of Education Science and Training"]

  • DEST publications → DEST Publications

  • find a lawyer → find a [lawyer barrister solicitor]

  • where are the documents → green documents