Results pages: basic setup and configuration

Setup a results page

  • Create a results page

    Create a new results page. A results page is how you interact with the search and get search results.

  • Define the results page scope

    Define the set of items that will be searched when running a query. This is all or a subset of the indexes in the parent search package.

  • Configure default presentation settings

    Define basic default presentation settings for your results page, such as the number of results to return for each page, what metadata fields values to include in your search results data and how the search results should be ordered.

  • Manage a results page

    Create a new results page. A results page is how you interact with the search and get search results.

Choose a search endpoint to get your search results

Once you have created your results page it can be accessed using the following search endpoints, with a collection parameter set to the search package ID, and profile parameter set to the results page ID.

You need to consider the following questions:

  • Is the results page used to return user defined searches, like those you would enter into a search box for a website search?

  • Is the results page used by an application or web page to embed the search results as page content, or to export or download a set of matching results?

  • What format would you like to receive your results as? Would you like them already formatted (e.g. as HTML) or would you like to receive the raw data and integrate this with your own code?

    • If you choose to access your results as formatted HTML or a custom text format then you will need to create Freemarker templates to format the response.

    • If you choose to access your results as raw data (JSON, XML, CSV or a custom format) then you will need to create code within the system that is integrating with the search to handle the processing and formatting of the response.

  • Do you want the access to all features, or just the search results?

    • The paginated search endpoints are the traditional way of accessing your search results and have access to all functionality. You can choose to access the results as HTML (templated using Freemarker), JSON, XML or a custom text format (which you define using Freemarker).

    • The all results search endpoints are appropriate if you only need to access the search results data. This endpoint is a lot more efficient, but you won’t get access to anything outside of the actual result items. This includes the question information from the data model, result features such as faceted navigation, best bets and result counts, and additional things like extra searches. All results is perfect if you are exporting results or just embedding a set of results from a pre-defined search within another page on your site. You can choose to receive all results data in two formats: as JSON or CSV.