Funnelback 11.4.0 release notes
Released: 6 February 2012
11.4.0 - New Features
Support for refresh updates when storing content in WARC files.
Locale support for result sorting.
Added support for cross-domain query completion.
Introduced padre-mi tool for merging search indexes.
11.4.0 - Upgrade Issues
Please note that the version numbering scheme for Funnelback has changed with this release. In future, the second digit in the version number (e.g. 4 in 11.4.0) will always be even in officially released, stable versions, and odd in internal release versions.
11.4.0 - Selected improvements and bugfixes
Added ability to send collection update emails on failure only.
Fixed a regression in 11.1 where geographic sort ordering was incorrect if other numeric metadata fields were used.
Improved crawler performance when using WARC files and on multi-domain collections.
Introduced the ability to provide results inline for facet categories to avoid multiple search requests.
Fixed incremental crawling when using WARC files and a previous crawl which had been restarted.
Allowed custom code to control crawler file storage.
Provide clearer errors when an invalid workflow.cfg file is in use.
Fixed handling of empty
files for Windows installations. -
Configurable error handling on the Modern UI.