Funnelback patch

  • Released: 2020-04-20

  • Applies to: v15.24.0

  • Internal reference: RNDSUPPORT-3162, RNDSUPPORT-3166, FUN-13777


  • Upgrades the version of RestFB library to account for recent breaking changes in the Facebook Graph API.

  • Fixes an issue where Facebook collections gathered less number of documents due to a pagination issue in the Facebook Graph API.

  • Facebook Graph API deprecated fields name, link, app_links and description have been removed from the default values of the configuration key.

Affected files

  • lib/java/all/funnelback-common.jar

  • lib/java/all/funnelback-social-media.jar

  • lib/java/all/restfb-2.21.0.jar: This is now a empty jar for easy patch application.

  • lib/java/all/restfb-3.4.0.jar


  • Stop the Jetty web server.

  • Deploy the provided files on top of an existing install, backing up all replaced files.

  • Start the Jetty web server.