Build a Funnelback search
Getting started
Introduction to functionality that can be made available on your search results pages.
Introduction to search packages, data sources and results pages.
Overview of the search dashboard.
Getting started with the search data model
Overview of the search data model, which covers the main fields that are available when submitting searches, and consuming the search result data.
Design and optimization
Tutorial: Designing a website search
Advice on the things to consider when you design a web search.
Optimize your website for search
Advice on how to change your website to improve performance in search.
Building a search
Create your search index
Create searchable indexes of your available content sources.
Configure the metadata or fielded information included in the search index.
Configure content filters that analyze or transform your content prior to inclusion in the search index.
Configuring data source plugins
Use community-built plugins that extend Funnelback to support additional data source types, or provide additional content filtering options.
Setup the search results pages for accessing your index
Define which search indexes are combined to provide your search.
Create a search results page for users to run searches, or a search endpoint to provide search services to another system.
Configure a Funnelback search results template to provide formatted search results.
Access the Funnelback search results programmatically, as JSON data.
Configuring results page plugins
Use community-built plugins that extend the available functionality that can be applied to search results. This includes search result transformation tools and extensions to other functionality such as the query language, curator and faceted navigation.
Configure search results features
Configure and access the auto-completion service which provides real-time auto-completions to your search box.
Configure featured results, adverts or informational messages that can be displayed when a user runs certain queries.
Define rules (triggers and actions) that are applied when a user runs a query. These can interact with the user query and modify the search results.
Search result filters (Faceted navigation
Configure facets which can be applied by a user to quickly filter a set of search results.
Related searches (contextual navigation)
Configure the related searches feature.
Define synonyms that will be applied to search queries.
Control the metadata fields that can be used in your search results.
Choose how your search results are ordered. Control relevance ranking.
Configure extra searches, based on the user’s query, that provide supplemental search results that can be used to enhance your search results page.