Search lifecycle - data model variable initialization
The elements of the data model are initialized at different phases of the search lifecycle. Understanding when elements are initialized is important when writing custom search lifecycle logic. e.g. If you try to modify a value before it’s initialized you might get an error that the element doesn’t exist, or it might get overridden when the value is initialized.
Search question
The search question object is initialized during the first three phases of the search lifecycle. Modifications to the search question can be manipulated in the following pre-phase steps:
Pre process
Pre data fetch
Initialize data model phase
The following elements are initialized during the initialize data model phase:
lang related elements
These are all populated for the pre process step.
Input processing phase
The following data model elements are populated after the pre process step. Most of these elements will be setup based on the raw input parameters.
faceted navigation related elements
curator related elements
quick links related elements
explore related elements
extra search elements
The pre data fetch step executes just before the query is passed to padre for query processing. This can modify the final state of the search question.
Search response
Results fetching phase
The result packet element of the response is initialized from the XML returned by the query processor. Note: that some sub-elements are modified or populated during the output processing phase.
The post data fetch step can be used to modify the information returned by the query processor and should be used to change anything that is then used during output processing.
Output processing phase
The output processing phase initializes a number of modern UI related features including faceted navigation, curator and the search sessions and history.
The following is initialized during output processing:
search result links (click, cache, final live and display links)
curator related items
HTML encoded summaries
extra search responses
related document elements
faceted navigation elements
search history
The post processing step executes allowing modification of the final data model.