Funnelback patch

  • Released: 2018-04-11

  • Applies to: v15.14.0

  • Internal reference: SUPPORT-2644, SUPPORT-2647, SUPPORT-2641


  1. Fixes a bug in Accessibility Auditor which caused the document audit view to fail when a document contained escaped or unicode characters in their classnames.

  2. Makes the web crawler pre-crawl form interaction accept login forms which are served with an HTTP 401 or 403 code.

  3. Fixes a potential indexer crash introduced in, and some additional cases where multiple dots could be shown in summaries.

Affected files

  • web/webapps/funnelback-admin-api.war

  • lib/java/all/funnelback-crawler-http-client.jar

  • bin/padre-iw

  • bin/padre-iw.exe


  • (Windows) Stop currently running crawls.

  • Stop the Jetty web server and the Funnelback daemon.

  • Deploy the provided files on top of an existing install, backing up all replaced files.

  • Start the Jetty web server and the Funnelback daemon.

  • (Windows) Start crawls as needed.