Funnelback 16.10.0 release notes

Released: 11 Apr 2022

Supported until: 11 Apr 2025

This applies to Funnelback multi-tenanted, dedicated and Squiz Cloud v16.10. For Squiz DXP please see the Funnelback 16 change log.

The 16.10 Funnelback release includes all changes since the previous 16.4.0 release.

Use the filter to narrow down what’s in the list below, and the sort controls on each column to help locate what you are looking for.

Type Release version Description

1 New and revised features


Added option to upgrade utility to support importing resources in bulk by defining an affix.

1 New and revised features


Provided a simple command line alias for running the upgrade utility.

1 New and revised features


Provided a confirmation step before executing the upgrade utility command.

1 New and revised features


Improved the upgrade utility so that configuration files that don’t apply to the current collection type (e.g. data sources, search packages) are now removed.

1 New and revised features


Improved logic for the upgrading of collection IDs in existing configuration.

This includes:

  • upgrading meta collection index.sdinfo into configuration keys meta.components.*.weight with correct collection IDs

  • upgrading collection IDs in the start URLs list

  • detecting usage of collection references in templates and scripts

1 New and revised features


Improved the upgrade utility by adding detection of using deprecated functionality.

This includes:

  • detecting usage of scripts (hook scripts, workflow scripts, custom filters, custom gatherers etc.)

  • detecting usage of pre-v15.12 legacy facets and removed data model features in templates

  • detecting usage of collection references in templates and scripts

1 New and revised features


Fixed the upgrade utility handling of invalid component collections of a meta collection so that invalid collections are removed from the upgraded search package.

2 Minor improvements


Updated the default metadata mappings to detect descriptions added to Microsoft Word metadata.

2 Minor improvements


Improved the plugin documentation template that is created when generating a new plugin using the Maven archetype.

3 Bug fixes


Fixed a bug where scheduled analytics updates were not correctly set for collections upgraded from v15.

3 Bug fixes


Exposed reporting stop words configuration file via WebDav API for search packages and results pages.

3 Bug fixes


Fixed a bug in the administration dashboard where the redirects.txt log file was not accessible from the log viewer.

4 Important changes


The default version of Handlebars used in the default template and knowledge graph widget preview has been upgraded to 4.7.7.

4 Important changes


The default version of jQuery used with auto-completion and cache highlights widgets has been upgraded to 3.6.0.

4 Important changes


Upgraded the Angular version to 12.2.15.

1 New and revised features

1 New and revised features

The following plugins have been added:

1 New and revised features

The following plugins have been added:

3 Bug fixes


Removed broken administration dashboard used to configure reporting email as since v16 those settings are configured via results page configuration UI.

3 Bug fixes


Upgrades log4j2 to version 2.17.1 to fix the security vulnerability where Apache Log4j2 Thread Context Lookup Pattern is vulnerable to remote code execution in certain non-default configurations.

3 Bug fixes


Upgrades log4j2 to version 2.15 to fix the security vulnerability where log4j2 JNDI features do not protect against attacker-controlled LDAP and other JNDI related endpoints.

1 New and revised features


1 New and revised features


Extended the metadata scraper filter to support a number of content checking rules.

1 New and revised features


Extended the undesirable text filter to support separated or combined undesirable text sources and individual values provided via configuration keys.

1 New and revised features


Extended the metadata normalizer filter to support XML documents.

1 New and revised features


Added CGI parameters that enable a user to search for results containing a specific metadata class (set to any value), or results that are missing a specified metadata class.

3 Bug fixes


Fixed the positioning of the live chat widget so that it does not obscure other functionality.

3 Bug fixes


Fixed a bug in the upgrade utility where it did not correctly handle environment specific configuration keys.

3 Bug fixes


Fixed an issue where the collection tool would return an error for the index presence check.

3 Bug fixes


Restored access to data reports from the administration dashboard.

3 Bug fixes


Fixed an issue which resulted in some URLs being incorrectly handled in SEO auditor due to problems with URL encoding.

3 Bug fixes


Fixed an issue that caused counts for metadata on the metadata mapping screen to be incorrect or marked as not found.

4 Important changes


The following plugins will automatically be upgraded due to upgrades to underlying dependencies.

  • Auto-completion 1.0.0-2.0.2 will be upgraded to 2.0.3

  • Combine metadata 1.0.0 will be upgraded to 1.0.1

  • Query - wildcard support 1.0.0 will be upgraded to 1.0.1

4 Important changes


The default behaviour of the metadata scraper filter has changed between versions when using regex matching. An option includeFirstCaptureGroup can be set to true to restore the former behavior.

4 Important changes


Upgraded Freemarker to 2.3.31.

3 Bug fixes


Fixed a bug in the auto-completion plugin where summaries were truncated to 1 character. This issue is fixed in the auto-completion plugin v2.0.2

1 New and revised features


1 New and revised features


1 New and revised features


1 New and revised features


Extended the plugin framework to support:

1 New and revised features


Release of the program finder and local government stencils.

1 New and revised features


Extended the metadata scraper filter to support XML.

1 New and revised features


Added support within the Squiz DXP for the management and editing of configuration, template and web resources using a WebDAV client.

1 New and revised features


Added support for basic HTTP authentication with an API token when using the Funnelback APIs.

1 New and revised features


Added support for result page thumbnails to be set from the administration and marketing dashboard.

1 New and revised features


Improved WebDAV support for Windows Explorer and MacOS Finder.

2 Minor improvements


Improved the task scheduler listing screen to enable additional tasks to be scheduled.

2 Minor improvements


Added support for a custom HTTP header x-funnelback-request-detailed-logging which can be supplied with a HTTP request to increase the modern UI log level for the duration of the request.

2 Minor improvements


Added support for auto-completion to be called on preview versions of results pages.

3 Bug fixes


Fixed a bug in the configuration/template files UI where in incorrectly reported that there were unpublished files.

3 Bug fixes


Fixed a bug in the raw configuration editor that prevented some configuration keys from being saved.

3 Bug fixes


Fixed a bug in the YouTube gatherer that was triggered by an empty playlist ID.

3 Bug fixes


Fixed a timeout issue that prevented data sources and search packages from being created correctly under certain conditions.

3 Bug fixes


Restored global domain redirects (redirects.cfg) functionality.

3 Bug fixes


Fixed a bug to enable search package and data source management API functions to work correctly with query processors which run in read-only mode.

3 Bug fixes


Fixed a bug preventing the publication of configuration files when using the perl file manager.

4 Important changes


The following features have been deprecated:

4 Important changes


Added the following new permissions:

  • to support search package and data source management in multi-server environments.

4 Important changes


Added or updated the following API calls

Updated the following API calls to v2. These APIs now return additional username and password fields that can be used to authenticate (via HTTP basic authentication) with the Funnelback APIs. The corresponding v1 calls are now deprecated. v1 tokens will continue to work but require regeneration to use HTTP Basic Authentication.

  • /application-tokens/v2/application-token

  • /application-tokens/v2/clients/<CLIENT-ID>/application-token/<TOKEN-NAME>

3 Bug fixes

Restored the accessibility auditor unchecked documents report.

3 Bug fixes

Prevented the creation of objects within Freemarker template files to ensure that template editors can not cause external code to be executed.

1 New and revised features

Added new server configuration keys to configure the Jetty HTTP connection.

2 Minor improvements

Improved the search dashboard navigation among search package, results page, and data source management screens.

3 Bug fixes

Fixed an issue where the search results were skewed by ranking option cool.23 'host_incoming_link_score'.

3 Bug fixes

Fixed an issue where the post-update hook script was executed even if the knowledge graph import had failed.

1 New and revised features

Added a new knowledge graph public endpoint /kg/nodes/version?collection=<collectionID>&profile=<profileID> to access the knowledge graph’s last update version.

3 Bug fixes

Fixed the issue where numbers greater than 1000 were returning NaN while trying to calculate percentages in content auditor.

3 Bug fixes

Fixed an issue with the calculation of main host scores that caused inaccurate and inconsistent information to be displayed in SEO auditor.

3 Bug fixes

Removed unused Honeycomb tooling that consumes resources and fills up a log file with noise.

3 Bug fixes

Fixed the issue where the Perl script to trigger analytics update didn’t set the correct update type.

3 Bug fixes

Fixed an issue where the environment was not detected correctly in the configuration, resulting in configuration key values to revert to the default value.

3 Bug fixes

Fixed an issue with client-based APIs where incorrect permissions were returned.

3 Bug fixes

Fixed an issue with the IncludeUrl Freemarker macro that prevented some relative links from being converted to absolute links.

Added a new option convertRelativeRequiresSpace to the Freemarker IncludeUrl macro that expects a space between HTML attributes while converting relative URLs into absolute ones.

The extraction of relative links now follows the W3C standard regarding the validity of HTML pages.

3 Bug fixes

Fixed an issue that prevented internal documentation within the administration dashboard from displaying in some circumstances.

3 Bug fixes

Fixed an issue that caused administration dashboard labels to display intermittently.

3 Bug fixes

Fixed an issue where the Freemarker template upgrader incorrectly upgraded custom variables named metaData.

3 Bug fixes

Fixed an issue where trend alerts notifications were not generated.

3 Bug fixes

Fixed an issue preventing the correct export of content auditor and accessibility auditor documents in CSV format.

3 Bug fixes

Fixed an issue where adding a new category to a tab or custom facet via administration dashboard was prevented in some conditions.

3 Bug fixes

Fixed an issue where an invalid profile value provided in the search request returned a 500 server error.

3 Bug fixes

Fixed an issue where unknown product configuration key values are not expanded correctly for the $COLLECTION_NAME variable.

3 Bug fixes

Fixed an issue where fetching Facebook comments would cause an infinite loop due to changes within the Facebook endpoints.

3 Bug fixes

Fixed a security vulnerability where hasn’t implemented PKCE support in accordance with the RFC for OAuth 2.0 for Native Apps.