Funnelback patch

  • Released: 2017-07-26

  • Applies to: v15.10.0

  • Internal reference: SUPPORT-2469 SUPPORT-2465


Updates the location of the Push sync restart API call to be consistent with other state changing calls. The existing API call is kept for compatibility.

Adds a new Push sync health API calls that never return null for the value of the boolean in the response. The new calls are under /v2/ of the API.

Affected files

  • web/webapps/funnelback-push-api.war


  • ( If the installation has Facebook collections, the Version given to the DefaultFacebookClient should be changed to Version.Latest e.g. new DefaultFacebookClient(Version.LATEST).

  • (Windows) Stop currently running crawls.

  • Stop the Jetty web server and the Funnelback daemon.

  • Deploy the provided files on top of an existing install, backing up all replaced files.

  • Start the Jetty web server and the Funnelback daemon.

  • (Windows) Start crawls as needed.