Funnelback patch
Released: 2018-03-27
Applies to: v15.12.0
Internal reference: SUPPORT-2641
Fixes query biased summaries so that it doesn’t show multiple dots when the original content contains non breaking spaces as the only value within "p" tags.
(Windows) Stop currently running crawls.
Stop the Jetty web server and the Funnelback daemon.
If bin/ is called directly on the command line, take note of the perl referenced in the #! line.
Deploy the provided files on top of an existing install, backing up all replaced files.
If bin/ is called directly on the command line, update the perl referenced in the #! line.
To support extended tweets, add "cb.setTweetModeExtended(true);" after the "ConfigurationBuilder cb = new ConfigurationBuilder();" line in the twitter custom_gather.groovy script.
Start the Jetty web server and the Funnelback daemon.
(Windows) Start crawls as needed.