Search analytics API

The analytics database can be accessed via the Funnelback analytics API.

The analytics API documentation can be be viewed from the API-UI screen in the search dashboard.

Access to the API requires a valid API key.


API call Description

GET /analytics/v1/all-country-names

Returns a list of all country names the analytics API may return.

GET /analytics/v1/collections/{collection}/best-bets/clicks

Gets the URLs of the most clicked best bets results.

GET /analytics/v1/collections/{collection}/click/queries

Gets the top queries for a given popular clicked target URL.

GET /analytics/v1/collections/{collection}/clicks

Gets the URLs of the most clicked search results.

GET /analytics/v1/collections/{collection}/contextual-navigation/cluster-clicks

Gets the top contextual navigation clusters that where clicked on.

GET /analytics/v1/collections/{collection}/contextual-navigation/queries

Top queries, by query count, that resulted in the given popular cluster being clicked.

GET /analytics/v1/collections/{collection}/daily-summary

Gives the counts of different metrics for each day over a given time frame.

GET /analytics/v1/collections/{collection}/faceted-navigation/categories-clicks

Gets the Facet categories that where most clicked on.

GET /analytics/v1/collections/{collection}/faceted-navigation/category/queries

Top queries searched resulting in a given facet category being clicked.

GET /analytics/v1/collections/{collection}/last-updated-date

Gets the date the reports where last updated.

GET /analytics/v1/collections/{collection}/monthly-summary

Returns a list of monthly summaries for the given time frame in order of most recent to least recent.

GET /analytics/v1/collections/{collection}/profiles/top-searched

Gets a list of the most used profile by search count.

GET /analytics/v1/collections/{collection}/queries/hourly-distribution

Gets the number of queries in each hour of the day for a given time frame.

GET /analytics/v1/collections/{collection}/queries/location/city

Gets a list of cities which produce the highest number of searches.

GET /analytics/v1/collections/{collection}/queries/location/country

Gets a list of countries which produce the highest number of searches.

GET /analytics/v1/collections/{collection}/queries/location/ip

Gets a list of IPs which produce the highest number of searches.

GET /analytics/v1/collections/{collection}/queries/top

Gets the top queries for a collection and time frame.

GET /analytics/v1/collections/{collection}/queries/unanswered

Top queries, by count, which did not have at least one fully matching result.

GET /analytics/v1/collections/{collection}/query/clicks

Gets the top clicks for a given popular query.

GET /analytics/v1/collections/{collection}/query/count-per-day

Returns the number of searches performed for a query, on each day

GET /analytics/v1/collections/{collection}/query/location/city

Gets the cities producing the most traffic for a given query.

GET /analytics/v1/collections/{collection}/query/location/country

Gets the countries producing the most traffic for a given query.

GET /analytics/v1/collections/{collection}/trend-alerts

Returns a list of queries which had a large increase in query volume over a short space of time.

GET /analytics/v1/ipresolve

Attempts to resolve the given IP address to a host name.