Funnelback patch

  • Released: 2019-01-02

  • Applies to: v15.18.0

  • Internal reference: RNDSUPPORT-2845 RNDSUPPORT-2843 RNDSUPPORT-2842


  • Fixes a bug where the API 'GET /account/v2/permitted-values/profiles' would return profiles the current user did not have access to within collections the user did have access to.

  • Improves query processing so that non ASCII apostrophes are treated the same as ASCII apostrophes.

  • Fixes a bug where queries may not return when instant updates include URLs that contain ampersands.

  • Corrects the list of security permissions which generate a warning in the release notes.

Affected files

  • bin/padre-sw

  • bin/padre-sw.exe

  • web/admin/help/more/extra/release_notes.html

  • web/webapps/funnelback-admin-api.war


  • (Windows) Stop any tuning runs that are in progress

  • Stop the Jetty web server

  • Deploy the provided files on top of an existing install, backing up all replaced files.

  • Start the Jetty web server