

This options specifies the path to the Perl script to execute when a file is edited or deleted in the Admin UI or Admin API.

When a file is edited, the script will be called with the following arguments:

  • source: Absolute path to the source file that was edited

  • dummy argument for backwards compatibility: A dummy argument for backwards compatibility in the form: `REMOTE[OS_SPECIFIC_FILE_SEPARATOR][FILE_NAME]. This can be ignored.

  • message: Publication message containing the user id and host on which the publication occurs.

When a file is deleted the script will be called with:

  • --delete: To specify that it’s a delete operation

  • source: Absolute path to the file being deleted

  • message: Publication message containing the user id and host on which the deletion occurs.

Setting the key

Set this configuration key in the search package or data source configuration.

Use the configuration key editor to add or edit the workflow.publish_hook key, and set the value. This can be set to any valid String value.

Default value

There’s no publish hook by default


Call a specific publish hook script:


Call the provided publish hook for multiple query processor setups:
