Create a results page

Create a results page

  1. From the search dashboard home page locate your search package in the main listing.

  2. Click on the results pages tab for the search package.

  3. Click the add results page button.

  4. Enter a name for the results page.

  5. (optional) Upload a thumbnail image for the results page.

  6. Review the choices you have made then click finish to create the results page.

Naming advice:

  • Keep the names succinct and meaningful, concentrating on the purpose (e.g. public-website, intranet).

  • Avoid having the data source type as part of the name.

  • Use well known abbreviations like usa for United States of America

  • Don’t use shortened names for example by dropping a few letrs cos its hrd 2 undrstnd.

  • Avoid using complete domain names (e.g. www-client-com-au)

The same process can be used to add additional results pages.

Tutorial: Create a results page

  1. Log in to the search dashboard where you are doing your training.

    See: Training - search dashboard access information if you’re not sure how to access the training. Ignore this step if you’re treating this as a non-interactive tutorial.
  2. Locate the library search package that you created in a previous exercise.

  3. Click on the results pages tab then click the create a results page button.

    exercise create a results page 01
  4. Enter Book finder as the results page name then click the continue button.

    exercise create a results page 02
  5. You are then provided with an option to add a thumbnail image for the results page - this image is displayed on the results page management screen and insights dashboard. We’ll skip this step now (an image is easily added later). Click the proceed button to move to the next step of the results page creation process.

    exercise create a results page 03
  6. Review the settings that you have entered. Once satisfied, click the finish button to create the results page.

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  7. You are redirected to the results page management screen where you can perform further setup of your new results page.

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