

This parameter is deprecated. The no index filter should be used instead.

This parameter defines an optional regular expression that will be used to specify content that should not be indexed. If defined and non-empty the given expression will be used by the webcrawler to insert no index tags around matching content in the copy of the document source that the crawler stores. This will have the following effects:

  • The content that matches the expression will be ignored when deciding if two files are duplicates based on their extracted text during a web crawl. This can be used to exclude dynamic content on a page which may hinder duplicate detection.

  • The PADRE indexer will take note of the noindex directives. (See controlling indexable content in PADRE for details)

Any links inside the matching content will still be extracted and followed during the crawl (assuming they pass the include/exclude rules).

Setting the key

Set this configuration key in the search package or data source configuration.

Use the configuration key editor to add or edit the noindex_expression key, and set the value. This can be set to any valid String value.

Default value



Ignore some "breadcrumb" navigation elements in a page:

noindex_expression=<div class=\"BreadCrumb(.*?)</div>

Ignore an HTML footer:

noindex_expression=<table id=\"footer\"(.*?)</table>

Ignore a set of different <div> elements using a single regular expression:

noindex_expression=(<div id=\"nav.*?<\/div>|<div id=\"skip.*?<\/div>|<div id=\"header.*?<\/div>)

The expression above uses the | character as an OR (alternation) operator e.g. match (pattern 1 | pattern 2 | pattern 3).


You will probably want to use a non-greedy match (see ? in the pattern above), to ensure that the regular expression doesn’t match (and ignore) more than you need.

You should test that the expression you have written does not have a performance impact on the crawl. For example, if some of your content has badly formed HTML then the regular expression may match more than you need, or potentially result in the parser timing out and the page not being downloaded at all. If the latter occurs you may see "Parser timed out" messages in the url_errors.log file in the collection’s log directory.