

This option sets the Java heap size in megabytes using the Java command-line options: -Xmx. This will be used when launching Java based gatherers such as the web crawler, file system gatherer, custom groovy gather scripts, database gatherer, directory gatherer, etc.

The minimum value is 32.

Setting the key

Set this configuration key in the search package or data source configuration.

Use the configuration key editor to add or edit the gather.max_heap_size key, and set the value. This can be set to any valid Integer value.

Default value



To change the heap size to 1024MB

The heap size should never exceed the amount of available memory physical memory. When setting the heap size you will need to take into account the amount of memory being used by the OS, Funnelback Web Server (Jetty), Funnelback daemon server, Funnelback redis server as well as other running processes.

See also