Asset conditions screen

The conditions screen allows you to create and configure conditions that can be used to dynamically present content on your sites based on whether these conditions are met.

To add a new condition, select the type of condition you want to add from the condition type list in the create new condition section and select Save. Additional fields will then appear in the conditions section of the screen, allowing you to configure the newly added condition. You can add as many conditions as you like.

The conditions available are:

Admin access

The user has or does not have admin access to the front-end asset.

Asset status

The current asset is or is not a specified status.

Asset type

The current asset is or is not one of a specified set of asset types.

Entry page

The entry page of the user matches or does not match a specified set of URL patterns and/or asset ids.

Form posted

The form has or has not been posted.

Has children

The current asset has or does not have children that match a specified set of asset and link types.

In user group

The user is or is not in a specified set of user groups.

Keyword regexp

A specified keyword matches or does not match a specified pattern. This condition supports the use of custom keywords.

Logged in

The user is or is not logged in.


A specified combination of keywords with a logical grouping rule evaluates to true or false. This condition supports the use of custom keywords.

Page referrer

The page referrer URL matches or does not match one of a specified set of URL patterns.

Server variable

A specified server variable matches or does not match a specified pattern.

Inline edit mode

The user is or is not using the inline edit mode (including edit+ for Matrix).

Site referrer

The site referrer URL matches or does not match one of a specified set of URL patterns.

User agent

The user agent string matches or does not match a specified pattern.

User frequency

A specified amount of time or activity (hit/session/days/hours/minutes) has or has not passed.

User IP

The user’s IP address matches or does not match a specified pattern.

User IPv6

The user’s ipv6 address matches or does not match a specified pattern.

User type

The user is or is not one of a specified set of user types.

Visited pages

Any previously visited pages match or does not match one of a set of specified URL patterns and/or asset ids.

Write access

The user has or does not have write access to the front-end asset.


This section allows you to configure the conditions created on your asset.

By default, this section will be empty.

As you add new conditions in the add new condition section, the fields available for these conditions will be displayed in this section.

An example of this is shown in the figure.

Fields in the conditions section

The fields available in this section will differ depending on the types of conditions that have been added on the asset. For more information on the condition types available, see the create new condition section in this documentation.

The Force no cache? field on each condition allows you to specify that any page using this condition will be served with a no-cache header, no matter what other cache rules have been configured. By default, this field in enabled. Setting this field to No will use the default cache rules that have been applied on the asset.

Once you have finished configuring the settings of the conditions listed in this section, select Save to save your changes.

You can remove a condition from the current asset by selecting Delete this condition and selecting Save.

Conditional keywords

In addition to using conditions on the components of an asset, conditional keywords are also available to conditionally show or hide sections of content within a container.

Once conditions have been created and configured on the conditions screen, an automated list of the conditional keywords available will be displayed on the components of the asset.

These conditional keywords allow you to dynamically configure content that is presented in accordance with the conditions set.

The format of conditional keywords are as follows, where condition is the name of the condition configured on the conditions screen:


Displays whether the condition has been met, either true (1) or false (0).

Begin condition

Identifies the beginning of the conditional content to display if the condition is met. If the condition is true, the content specified between the begin and either the else or end keywords will be displayed.

Else condition

Identifies any alternative content to display if the condition is not met. If the condition is false, the content specified between the else and end keywords will be displayed. This keyword is optional.

End condition

Identifies the end of the conditional content to display.

Full structure of condition

Provides the full keyword structure of conditional content (begin, else and end condition) to allow you to easily enter the content to conditionally display.

An example of the conditional keyword structure is shown in the figure.

An example conditional keyword structure