6.46 release notes

July 24, 2024

This page covers changelog information for all Content Management 6.46 versions, including patch releases.

(FEAAS-836) Creating assets under Content Page throws attribute warning

If an asset other than a content asset (such as a folder asset) was created beneath a content page asset, an attribute warning would appear. The asset would still get created correctly and could be used as expected. The incorrect attribute warning is no longer being shown when attempting to create a non content page asset under an existing content page.

(FEAAS-928) Show warning when no features are enabled on new DXP Configuration screen

Added a warning message to the Site  DXP Setting screen when all DXP features are disabled globally informing users that no settings are available for the site.

(FEAAS-763) When SquizLink Targets were changed to something other than 'Open in new window', the new Target was not reflected in the editor’s UI

When a Target option other than Open in new window was set for a SquizLink, the selected value was set (the behavior changed) but the change did not present in the editing interface. This lead to editors believing they could not select the desired Target or that they could not be certain what end-user behaviour would occur when setting a SquizLink Target. With this update, when a Target value other than the default is selected, it is correctly shown in the editing UI of the component. When SquizLink Targets are changed, both the behavior and the presented option change, as expected.

(MATRIX-6442) Stale while revalidate settings should be configurable

Two fields are available in the System Configuration screen to modify the values of “Send Cache Stale while Revalidate expiry header” and “Send Cache Stale if Error expiry header”. System Administrators can now modify stale while revalidate settings, which was previously only editable directly in data/private/conf/main.inc. These values were previously managed through the SQ_CONF_CACHE_HEADER_STALE_WHILE_REVALIDATE_EXPIRY and SQ_CONF_CACHE_HEADER_STALE_WHILE_REVALIDATE_EXPIRY config keys. The default value has been increased to 86400 to better reflect the requirements of modern systems.

(MATRIX-6493) Prevent REST passing through content-length headers

The Content-Length header was forwarded when Forward response headers was enabled on REST Resources. REST Resources could have their content truncated if Forward response headers was enabled and the REST asset was nested within another asset. The Content-Length header is no longer forwarded by REST resources which means that the Content-Length of responses is now calculated after they have been completely assembled.

(MATRIX-6560) HTTP 500/PHP fatal errors when OAuth Token asset authentication breaks

When OAuth authentication failed due to internal token handling issues, REST resources using OAuth authentication returned a 500 Server Fault status code When a REST resource was used in rendering a page response, such as through nesting in a design area, this 500 response would stop page rendering and return a 500 Server Fault response to the browser. The response status, and all content are suppressed when a REST resource page is not the directly rendering asset, and an otherwise fatal PHP error is encountered. When errors are encountered while rendering a nested REST Resource, they are logged in error.log and page rendering continues as expected.

(MATRIX-6586) Frontend search fails when quick search is limited to the asset tree by feature restrictions

The feature restriction (quick search of entire system) did not take frontend search requests into account. Frontend searches with the restriction enabled would cause a fatal error. The feature restriction only runs when the request is from the backend (where an asset tree is present). Frontend searches now behave correctly and do not cause a fatal error when the feature restriction is enabled.

(MATRIX-6632) Screen Header "cascadeable assets count" may cause OOM error with very large number of child assets

The screen header counted a parent asset’s child assets by selecting them all from the database. If the parent asset had a high number of child assets, this caused the system to run out of memory. The screen header now selects the count from the database rather than fetching and counting the assets from the database. Asset screens work when there’s a large number of children.

(MATRIX-6708) Show edits immediately for CS components in the backend

The cache on Component Service (CS) requests returned old component versions for up to ten minutes. When CS components were used in standard pages, they would continue showing old component versions for up to ten minutes after saving the page in the Content Management admin backend. No-cache headers are now sent for CS data, ensuring CS components are immediately visible in the admin backend of Squiz Content Management instances.