Keyword Replacements

The following keyword replacements can be used in implementations using the SAML account manager and OAuth account manager.

SAML Account Manager

Keyword replacement Information shown


The entire attributes data as a JSON array.


Specific value from the attributes JSON array. For example, %globals_session_saml_attributes_first_name%.

OAuth Account Manager

Keyword replacement Information shown


The entire profile data as a JSON array.


Specific value from the profile JSON array. For example, %globals_session_oauth_profile_first_name%.


For example, if the JSON data returned for a SAML account manager is:

{"first_name":"John", "last_name":"Doe", "email":""}

You can use the following keyword to extract the first_name value of John by using: %globals_session_saml_attributes_first_name%

If a JSON key has non-alphanumeric characters in it (applies to all characters except for _, -, and .), they will need to get replaced with underscores when using the SAML keyword to print the value. For example, if the JSON attribute has the following format:


The keyword to extract that value would be:

The same concept applies to the keywords for the OAuth account manager, replacing saml_attributes with oauth_profile in the keyword.