Export online quiz to XML tool

The Export online quiz to XML tool allows you to take an online quiz, including its associated online quiz question group and multiple-choice question assets, and export its details to an XML file. This file’s format is compliant with existing Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) standards, providing compatibility with other e-learning software.

The tool is available from Tools  Export online quiz to XML in the Matrix toolbar.

Export online quiz to XML

The Export online quiz to XML tool section of the Export online quiz to XML tool screen is shown in the figure:

The Export online quiz to XML tool section

To export an online quiz:

  1. Select an asset in the Root node field. All online quiz and associated assets under this root node will be processed and exported as an XML file.

  2. Select the asset types to export in the Asset types field. In addition to online quiz assets, you can also select standard page assets to export supplementary information alongside the online quiz.

    If you have selected to export standard page assets as well, you can configure the export settings of these assets in the Standard page export settings section:

    The standard page export settings section
  3. In the Paint method field, select either Raw (no paint layout) or Using default paint layout (based on lookup rules) to specify whether to export standard pages using any paint layouts applied on the asset.

  4. The Start tag and End tag fields allow you to specify the content tags from where to extract content from exported standard page assets.

  5. Select Export when you have configured the export settings to begin the export process and create the XML file.

  6. You can download the completed XML file using the Download link on the Export online quiz to XML tool screen:

    The download link

Example format

An example XML format of the exported online quiz:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <folder assetid="10625">
    <page_online_quiz assetid="10626">
      <name><![CDATA[Online Quiz Page]]></name>
      <online_quiz_question_group assetid="10782" pool_nodes="13059,13060">
        <name><![CDATA[Online Quiz Question Group]]></name>
          <content><![CDATA[you passed]]></content>
          <content><![CDATA[you failed]]></content>
      <pool_node id="13059">
        <online_quiz_question_multichoice assetid="10650">
          <name><![CDATA[question 1 pool 1]]></name>
          <question_text><![CDATA[question 1 pool 1 text]]></question_text>
          <question_note><![CDATA[question 1 pool 1 note]]></question_note>
            <text><![CDATA[q1 a]]></text>
            <response_supplement><![CDATA[q1 a supplement<br>]]></response_supplement>
            <text><![CDATA[q1 b]]></text>
            <response_supplement><![CDATA[q1 b supplement]]></response_supplement>
            <text><![CDATA[q1 c]]></text>
            <response_supplement><![CDATA[q1 c supplement]]></response_supplement>
        <online_quiz_question_multichoice assetid="10656">
          <name><![CDATA[question 2 pool 1]]></name>
          <question_text><![CDATA[question 2 pool 1 text]]></question_text>
          <question_note><![CDATA[question 2 pool 1 note]]></question_note>
            <text><![CDATA[q2 a]]></text>
            <response_supplement><![CDATA[q2a supplement]]></response_supplement>
            <text><![CDATA[q2 b]]></text>
            <response_supplement><![CDATA[q2 b supplement]]></response_supplement>
        <online_quiz_question_multichoice assetid="10732">
          <name><![CDATA[question 3 pool 1]]></name>
          <question_text><![CDATA[question 3 pool 1 text]]></question_text>
          <question_note><![CDATA[question 3 pool 1 note]]></question_note>
            <text><![CDATA[q3 a]]></text>
            <response_supplement><![CDATA[q3 a supplement<br>]]></response_supplement>
            <text><![CDATA[q3 b]]></text>
            <response_supplement><![CDATA[q3 b supplement]]></response_supplement>
        <online_quiz_question_multichoice assetid="10759">
          <name><![CDATA[question 4 pool 1]]></name>
          <question_text><![CDATA[question 4 pool 1 text]]></question_text>
          <question_note><![CDATA[question 4 pool 1 note]]></question_note>
            <text><![CDATA[q4 a]]></text>
            <response_supplement><![CDATA[q4 a supplement]]></response_supplement>
            <text><![CDATA[q4 b]]></text>
            <response_supplement><![CDATA[q4 b supplement]]></response_supplement>
      <pool_node id="13060">
        <online_quiz_question_multichoice assetid="10688">
          <name><![CDATA[question 1 pool 2]]></name>
          <question_text><![CDATA[question 1 pool 2 text]]></question_text>
          <question_note><![CDATA[question 1 pool 2 note]]></question_note>
            <text><![CDATA[q1 a pool 2]]></text>
            <response_supplement><![CDATA[q1 a pool 2 supplement]]></response_supplement>
            <text><![CDATA[q1 b pool 2]]></text>
            <response_supplement><![CDATA[q1 b pool 2 supplement]]></response_supplement>
        <online_quiz_question_multichoice assetid="10692">
          <name><![CDATA[question 2 pool 2]]></name>
          <question_text><![CDATA[question 2 pool 2 text]]></question_text>
          <question_note><![CDATA[question 2 pool 2 note]]></question_note>
            <text><![CDATA[q2 a pool 2]]></text>
            <response_supplement><![CDATA[q2 a pool 2 supplement]]></response_supplement>
            <text><![CDATA[q2 b pool 2]]></text>
            <response_supplement><![CDATA[q2 b pool 2 supplement]]></response_supplement>
    <folder assetid="13059">
      <name><![CDATA[Question Pool 1]]></name>
    <folder assetid="13060">
      <name><![CDATA[Question Pool 2]]></name>
    <page_standard assetid="12609">
      <name><![CDATA[std 1]]></name>
      <short_name><![CDATA[std 1]]></short_name>
      <contents><![CDATA[<div id="content_div_12611">
std 1 contents

      <page_standard assetid="12621">
        <name><![CDATA[std 1.1]]></name>
        <short_name><![CDATA[std 1.1]]></short_name>
        <contents><![CDATA[<div id="content_div_12623">

        <page_standard assetid="12629">
          <name><![CDATA[std 1.1.1]]></name>
          <short_name><![CDATA[std 1.1.1]]></short_name>
          <contents><![CDATA[<div id="content_div_12631">

      <page_standard assetid="12625">
        <name><![CDATA[std 1.2]]></name>
        <short_name><![CDATA[std 1.2]]></short_name>
        <contents><![CDATA[<div id="content_div_12627">
<br />
