Global keywords

Global keyword replacements can be used within various assets in the system to show different information about the asset in the global context, the current site they are viewing or their user account if they are logged in.

For example, to show the name of the page the user is currently viewing as a heading in your Design, you can use the global keyword replacement %globals_asset_name%.

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Keyword replacement Description


Keyword replacement Description

System maintenance

Keyword replacement Description


If an asset is going to be viewed by a user who is logged into your site, you can personalise the content through the use of global keyword replacements. For example, if the page you are creating can only be viewed by a member of your site who has signed in, then you can personalise the page using their attributes or metadata.

For attributes, the format of the global keyword replacement is %globals_user_attribute_ATTRIBUTE% where ATTRIBUTE is any attribute available on the user account. Some examples include %globals_user_attribute_first_name% which prints the first name of the user and %globals_user_attribute_email% which prints the email address of the User asset.

For metadata, the format of the global keyword replacement is %globals_user_metadata_FIELDNAME% where FIELDNAME is the name of the metadata field you want to show. For example, if you have applied a metadata schema to a user account that contains the field Hobbies, you can show the value that has been entered into this field by using the global keyword replacement %globals_user_metadata_Hobbies%.

You can place these keyword replacements within the content of an asset. Matrix will then replace these keyword replacements with the correct information from the user account.

Keyword replacement Description

Server variable

Keyword replacement Description

Session variable

Keyword replacement Description

HTTP GET and POST variables

When using these keywords and printing their values directly onto the frontend, it is strongly recommended to use them in conjunction with the ^htmlentities:ENT_HTML5 keyword modifier so that keywords within the values do not get replaced when printed on the front end.
Keyword replacement Description

Current date and time

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Current context

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Current protocol

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Random number generation

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Asset map icons

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Visited pages

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Entry asset

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SAML user attributes

The following global keyword replacements are available to provide access to a SAML user’s attributes after being authenticated by a SAML account manager.

Read SAML account manager for more information about SAML authentication in Matrix.

Keyword replacement Description


Persona keywords are used to evaluate if a persona is active or not. Persona assets are used to store custom keyword matching logic in which either evaluate the persona as true (active) or false (not active).

Read the Persona documentation for more information about setting personas in Matrix.

Keyword replacement Description

Git file bridge

Keyword replacement Description