6.22 release notes

September 30, 2022

This page describes release information for all Matrix 6.22 versions, including patch releases.

New features

The following new feature was added to this release of Matrix.

External screen

The External screen lets you set a custom external identification reference string that other apps and services can use when integrating with Matrix.

You access this screen through the Settings  External menu in the Matrix toolbar after loading an asset screen.

Read External screen for more information about setting the string.


The following feature flags were introduced in this version of Matrix to improve aspects of the Matrix user experience.

Improved support for large Git bridge operations in Matrix SaaS (MATRIX-4990)

Customers using Matrix 6 in SaaS environments now have a way to support larger Git repository sizes when using the Git bridge.

If you activate the Improved background processing for Git Bridge feature flag in Matrix 6, git clone operations now run as a background process until they finish. This background process removes the previous limitation of PHP process timeouts that halted long-running git clone operations on Git bridge assets.

This setting applies to all Git bridge assets in your Matrix instance if activated.

Improved asset tree rendering feature flag (MATRIX-5176)

Certain customers who experienced delays showing the path to deeply nested assets now have a feature flag that offers a workaround.

The Inline edit asset tree menu option is selectively displayed depending on whether the particular asset has inline editing enabled. In some circumstances, the calculation that determined whether that menu item should appear was significantly increasing the time it took to show this menu item contextually.

If you activate the Hide the Inline Edit asset tree feature flag in Matrix 6, the Inline edit option is permanently hidden from all asset tree menus. You can still access the Inline edit feature from the Content screen in all supported assets.

Activating this feature flag may result in a performance improvement for load times, particularly when using the Binoculars to reveal the location of a deeply-nested asset in a Matrix system.

Bug fixes

The following bugs were resolved in this version of Matrix.



Asset syncing did not trigger an asset version history update. This issue caused some asset changes to be excluded from the synced asset history records. Asset syncing events now trigger an asset version history update which fixes the originally reported issue.


SAML account manager page assets were not escaping metadata values stored for users. This caused metadata values containing = to be corrupted. SAML account manager pages now correctly escape metadata values.


Metadata sections were stored in Deja Vu unsorted. The order in which sections would render on the Metadata screen depended on whether Matrix returned metadata sections from Deja Vu or the database. Metadata sections are now stored in Deja Vu sorted. Metadata sections now consistently display on the metadata screen in lexical order.


The version of jQuery-UI used by Matrix was outdated, which caused penetration testing tools to report vulnerabilities in Matrix. The jQuery-UI version was updated to v1.13, which fixed the reported penetration testing vulnerabilities associated with jQuery-UI.


Matrix checked metadata field restrictions against database records every time fields were loaded. This excessive checking caused metadata performance to be unacceptable. Improvements to Deja Vu now make metadata fields remember their associated metadata sections. Additionally, Metadata sections remember their restrictions in Deja Vu when they are first checked. These improvements fix metadata database query checks which speed up fetching metadata field restrictions.


The performance monitoring tracing library was not configured to avoid using backtraces when traces were not configured to ship from Matrix. When traces were not in use, the tracing library caused all Matrix requests to slow down, which caused performance issues. The tracing library no longer starts when tracing is disabled, removing the originally discovered performance impact.


Metadata sections always requested information about the fields attached to them from the database, resulting in any operation surrounding metadata sections being slower than necessary. Metadata sections now remember their associated fields in Deja Vu when first looked up, which results in most metadata operations working faster than before.


Matrix separately validated each container template to determine if it was located in the trash before becoming available on the Contents screen of standard page assets. This logic caused Contents screens on systems with many container templates to take longer to load than was considered acceptable. The trash check for Container templates is now managed in a bulk operation before they appear. Changing to a bulk operation now means that the performance of the contents screen remains consistent, regardless of how many container templates are available.