Messaging service configuration

The Messaging service configuration screen allows you to edit the internal message settings of the system, including which messages are logged to the database and which messages are sent through email.

A list of all internal messages that are available is provided in the Internal message types section.

Messaging service configuration

To access the Messaging service configuration screen:

  1. click on the System configuration icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen; a drop-down list will appear under this icon.

  2. Select Messaging service configuration; the screen will appear.

The available fields are outlined below:

Log to file allow list

This field is shown in the figure below.

The Log to file allow list

This field allows you to specify the internal messages that will be written to the system log file. The default value is *, meaning that all internal messages will be logged. If you only want to log specific messages, remove the * and add them to this field.

Log to file block list

This field is shown in the figure below.

The log to file block list

This field allows you to specify the internal messages that will not be written to the system log file. By default, the internal messages that will not be logged include asset.attributes, asset.workflow.invitation, asset.workflow.announce, asset.workflow.invitation.* and asset.workflow.announce.*.

More information about these internal messages is in the Internal message types section.

Log to database allow list

This field is shown in the figure below.

The log to database allow list

This field allows you to specify the internal messages written to the database and shown on the Logs screen of an asset. The default value is *, meaning that all internal messages will be logged to the database. If you only want to log specific messages, remove the * and add them to this field.

Log to database block list

This field is shown in the figure below.

The log to database block list

This field allows you to specify the internal messages that will not be written to the database and are not shown on the Logs screen of an asset.

By default, the internal messages that will not be logged include asset.attributes.fulllog, asset.workflow.invitation, asset.workflow.announce.*, asset.workflow.invitation.*, asset.workflow.announce.* and install.*.

More information about these internal messages is in the Internal message types section.

Log to email allow list

This field is shown in the figure below.

The log to email allow list

This field allows you to specify the internal messages that will be emailed to users. By default, the internal messages that will be emailed include asset.locking.forced, config.*, hipo.*, inbox.*, asset.status.notify, asset.workflow.invitation, asset.workflow.announce, asset.workflow.invitation.*, asset.workflow.announce.*, asset.workflow.stale and cron.deadlock.

More information about these internal messages is in the Internal message types section.

Log to email block list

This field is shown in the figure below.

The log to email block list

This field allows you to specify the internal message that will not be emailed to users. This field is blank by default.

Messaging service email format

Emails sent by Matrix’s messaging service contain an email footer that, by default, specifies the details of the system being run, including its version number and system root URLs.

This is an automated message from Example System Name running Matrix v5.0.0.0
System root URLs :

Contact ( for support.

The messaging service email format section allows you to customize this footer information for emails sent by your system. The fields available in this section are shown in the figure below.

The messaging service email format section

In the custom email footer field, enter the content you want to use as the footer for emails sent by Matrix’s messaging service. The following keyword replacements can be used in this field to display the information of your system within the email footer:

  • %system_name%

  • %system_long_name%

  • %system_owner_name%

  • %system_root_urls_list%

  • %system_tech_email%

Internal message types

Below is a table outlining the internal messages that are available for the system.

It includes the code for the message and the information logged to either the system log file, the database, or sent in the email. The information uses keyword replacements and will substitute the keyword with information from the asset that caused the internal message.

Message Code Information that is logged

Asset created


New %type_code% %asset_name% created.

Asset attribute changed


The value of attribute %attr_name% for asset %asset_name% has been changed.

Asset attribute changed


The value of attribute %attr_name% for asset %asset_name% has been changed from %old_value% to %new_value%.

Asset attribute changed


The value of attribute %attr_name% for asset %asset_name% has been changed from %old_value% to %new_value%.

Asset attribute changed


The value of attribute %attr_name% for asset %asset_name% has been changed.

Asset date changed


The %date_type% date of %asset_name% was successfully changed from %old_date% to %new_date%.

Asset link created


%minor_name% was successfully linked to %major_name%.

Asset link deleted


%minor_name% was successfully unlinked from %major_name%.

Asset link locked status updated


The link #%linkid% (between %major_name% and %minor_name%) is now %link_locked_value%.

Asset link sort order updated


The sort order of link #%linkid% (between %major_name% and %minor_name%) was successfully changed from %old_sort_order% to %new_sort_order%.

Asset link type updated


The type of link #%linkid% (between %major_name% and %minor_name%) was successfully changed from %old_link_type% to %new_link_type%.

Asset link value updated


The value on link #%linkid% (between %major_name% and %minor_name%) was successfully changed from %old_link_value% to %new_link_value%.

Asset lock forcibly acquired


User %user_name% has forcibly acquired the %lock_type% lock on %type_code% %asset_name%, formerly held by user %old_user_name%.

Asset lookups updated


Asset %asset_name% has successfully updated its lookups.

Asset metadata schema removed


The metadata schema %metadata_schema% was removed from asset %asset_name%.

Asset metadata schema applied


The metadata schema %metadata_schema% was applied to asset %asset_name%.

Asset metadata field updated


The metadata field %metadata_field% of asset %asset_name% was updated from %metadata_old% to %metadata_new%.

Asset permission deleted


%perm_name% permission has been deleted on asset %asset_name% for %user_name%.

Asset permission set


%perm_name% permission has been denied on asset %asset_name% for %user_name%.

Asset permission set


%perm_name% permission has been granted on asset %asset_name% for %user_name%.

Broken link(s) found in %link_report_name% (id# %link_report_id%)

A broken %type% link was found in asset #%assetid%.

Asset status changed


The status of %asset_name% was successfully changed from %old_status% to %new_status%.

Asset made live


%type_code% %asset_name% has gone live from %status%. You can view the asset here.

Asset changes approved


User %workflow_user% has approved the changes to %type_code% %asset_name%. A full report for the workflow of %asset_name% can be found on the Workflow screen.

Workflow escalated


Asset %asset_name% [#%assetid%] was in step %previous_step_id% %previous_step_name% of workflow schema %schema% since %started_time%, and has exceeded the %expiry_time% timeframe within which this step is meant to be completed. Workflow has been escalated to step %current_step_id% %current_step_name%. A full report for the workflow of %asset_name% can be found on the Workflow screen.

Asset changes rejected


User %workflow_user% has rejected the changes made to %type_code% %asset_name%. The workflow process has been cancelled. A full report for the workflow of %asset_name% can be found on the Workflow screen. You can also preview this asset.

Workflow started


User %workflow_user% has requested %type_code% %asset_name% to go live from %status%. A full report for the workflow of %asset_name% can be found on the Workflow screen. You can also preview this asset.

Asset changes approved


User %workflow_user% has approved the changes to the following assets in the bundle %bundle_name%: %asset_list%

Asset changes rejected


User %workflow_user% has rejected the changes to the following assets in the bundle %bundle_name%: %asset_list% The status of the bundle %bundle_name% is now %new_status%.

Workflow approval required


The bundle %bundle_name% has been placed into workflow, along with its bundled assets. There are assets within this bundle that require your review, and you are now required to approve or reject the changes made to them so the workflow process can continue: %asset_list% You can approve or reject the above assets one at a time.Clicking on the asset name will take you to its Workflow screen, where you may take action. You may also approve all assets for which you have access to workflow, or reject the entire bundles changes.

Workflow approval required


The bundle %bundle_name% is currently in workflow, along with its bundled assets. There are assets within this bundle that have progressed in their workflow, and now require your review. You are now required to approve or reject the changes made to them so the workflow process can continue: %asset_list% You can approve or reject the above assets one at a time.Clicking on the asset name will take you to its Workflow screen, where you may take action. You may also approve all assets for which you have access to workflow, or reject the entire bundles changes.

Workflow approval required


The bundle %bundle_name% has been placed into workflow, along with its bundled assets. There are assets within this bundle that require your review, and you are now required to approve or reject the changes made to them so the workflow process can continue: %asset_list% You can approve or reject the above assets one at a time. Clicking on the asset name will take you to its Workflow screen, where you may take action. You may also approve all assets for which you have access to workflow, or reject the entire bundles changes.

Workflow completed


The workflow process for %type_code% %asset_name% has been completed.%asset_name% is now approved and can be made live by an administrator. A full report for the workflow of %asset_name% can be found on the Workflow screen. You can also preview this asset.

Workflow approval required


%type_code% %asset_name% is currently in workflow. You are now required to approve or reject the changes made to %asset_name% so the workflow process can continue. You can accept or reject the changes. A full report for the workflow of %asset_name% can be found on the Workflow screen. You can also preview this asset.

Workflow approval required


%type_code% %asset_name% is currently in workflow and has progressed from step %previous_step_id% %previous_step_name% to step %current_step_id% %current_step_name%. You are now required to approve or reject the changes made to %asset_name% so the workflow process can continue. You can accept or reject the changes. A full report for the workflow of %asset_name% can be found on the Workflow screen. You can also preview this asset.

Asset changes approved


User %workflow_user% has approved the changes to %type_code% %asset_name%. A full report for the workflow of %asset_name% can be found on the Workflow screen.

Asset workflow completed


The workflow process for %type_code% %asset_name% has been completed.%asset_name% is now approved and can be made live by an administrator. A full report for the workflow of %asset_name% can be found on the Workflow screen. You can also preview this asset.

Workflow escalated


Asset %asset_name% [#%assetid%] was in step %previous_step_id% %previous_step_name% of workflow schema %schema% since %started_time%, and has exceeded the %expiry_time% timeframe within which this step is meant to be completed. Workflow has been escalated to step %current_step_id% %current_step_name%. A full report for the workflow of %asset_name% can be found on the Workflow screen.

Asset changes rejected


User %workflow_user% has rejected the changes made to %type_code% %asset_name%.The status of %asset_name% has reverted to %status%. A full report for the workflow of %asset_name% can be found on the Workflow screen. You can also preview this asset.

Asset up for review

User %workflow_user% has placed %type_code% %asset_name% up for review. Click here for the Workflow screen for this asset. You can also preview this asset.

Asset review cancelled

User %workflow_user% has started a safe edit of %type_code% %asset_name% during a review.The review has been cancelled and the status of %asset_name% is now %status%. A full report for the workflow of %asset_name% can be found on the Workflow screen. You can also preview this asset.

Review complete

The review process for %type_code% %asset_name% has been completed.%asset_name% is now live. A full report for the workflow of %asset_name% can be found on the Workflow screen. You can also preview this asset.

Asset safe edit cancelled


User %workflow_user% has cancelled the safe edit of %type_code% %asset_name%.%asset_name% has reverted to the previously saved version and the status of %asset_name% is now %status%.

Workflow started


User %workflow_user% has requested %type_code% %asset_name% to go live from %status%. A full report for the workflow of %asset_name% can be found on the Workflow screen. You can also preview this asset.

Asset up for review

User %workflow_user% has placed %type_code% %asset_name% up for review. You are now required to approve or reject the changes made to %asset_name% so the workflow process can continue. Click here for the Workflow screen for this asset. You can also preview this asset.

Asset review cancelled

User %workflow_user% has started a safe edit of %type_code% %asset_name% during a review.The review has been cancelled and the status of %asset_name% is now %status%. A full report for the workflow of %asset_name% can be found on the Workflow screen. You can also preview this asset.

Stale workflow step


Asset %asset_name% [#%assetid%] has been in step %step_id% %step_name% of workflow schema %schema% since %started_time%, and has exceeded the %expiry_time% timeframe within which this step is meant to be completed. You may want to consider intervening to progress this workflow by visiting the assets Workflow screen.

Workflow user log



Bulkmail job cancelled


Job was cancelled by %user_id%.

Bulkmail job completed


Mail successfully sent to %num_recip% recipients.

Bulkmail job completed with error


Mail successfully sent to %num_recip% recipients. %num_problem% recipients were skipped due to problems in generation. Please check the bulkmail error log for details.

Bulkmail job completed with error


Mail successfully sent to %num_recip% recipients. %num_problem% recipients were skipped due to problems in generation. %num_filtered% recipients were also skipped as their bulkmails contents failed to match the enabled Body filter. Please check the bulkmail error log for details.

Bulkmail job completed, some filtered


Mail successfully sent to %num_recip% recipients. %num_filtered% recipients were skipped as their bulkmails contents failed to match the enabled Body filter. Please check the bulkmail error log for details.

Bulkmail test mode


Mail request for %to% with a subject of %subject%.

Bulkmail test mode completed


Bulkmail test mode was completed.mail was requested for %num_recip% recipients.

Bulkmail previewed


%assetid% has sent a preview email to %email_addr%.

External tools config updated


%setting% changed from %old_value% to %new_value%.

HIPO config updated


%setting% changed from %old_value% to %new_value%.

Messaging service config updated


%setting% changed from %old_value% to %new_value%.

Password rules config updated


%setting% changed from %old_value% to %new_value%.

Proxy authentication config updated


%setting% changed from %old_value% to %new_value%.

Squiz server config updated


%setting% changed from %old_value% to %new_value%.

System config updated


%setting% changed from %old_value% to %new_value%.

Potential scheduled jobs manager dead lock issue


The scheduled jobs manager for the system %system_name% has attempted to run %num_attempts% times, but has not been able to for one of two reasons: 1 An existing scheduled jobs manager is currently running an extremely long running job. 2 Something has caused the scheduled jobs manager to exit uncleanly and the lock wasnt able to be removed. Check the scheduled jobs error log (in %error_log_path%) for any information. (System root urls : %root_urls%)

Forced failure of %cron_type_code%


The job %cron_job_name% (#%assetid%) has failed to run %num_attempts% times. It will be removed from the scheduled jobs manager and will not be run again.

%cron_type_code% ERROR


%cron_job_name% Scheduled : %cron_job_when%

# Returned an invalid result from _exec()
# Returned value : %result%
# (Translated : %result_bits%)


Error messages : %errors%

%cron_type_code% Failure

%cron_job_name% Scheduled : %cron_job_when% Failed


Error messages : %errors%

Another instance of %cron_type_code% is still running


The job %asset_name% (#%assetid%) is still running while another instance tries to start at %run_time%. Please increase the time interval between each run.

%cron_type_code% Success


%cron_job_name% Scheduled : %cron_job_when% Completed successfully


Error messages : %errors%

%cron_type_code% Success


%cron_job_name% Scheduled : %cron_job_when% Successful, but there is more work to do.


Error messages : %errors%

TERMINATION of %cron_type_code%


The job %asset_name% (#%assetid%) fatally triggered an error and terminated the scheduled jobs script.It has been removed from the scheduled jobs manager. Error messages : %errors%

Safe trash warning: %asset_name%


You have administrator access to the asset %link_asset_name% (Id: #%link_assetid%), which is a child of asset %asset_name% (Id: #%assetid%). The parent asset was marked to be safe-trashed by %trashing_user%, and has been marked since %trash_date%. %asset_name% cannot be trashed until all of its children also meet safe-trash conditions. Your asset is currently blocking this safe-trashing.This could be for one of two reasons.Your asset could be at a status of "Live" or higher. Or, your asset could contain links to other assets that are hidden to the asset map. Please rectify the above issues so the asset can be trashed as soon as possible, or consult the user who marked the asset for safe trashing.

Safe trash warning: %asset_name%


You have administrator access to the asset %link_asset_name% (Id: #%link_assetid%), which is linked to asset %asset_name% (Id: #%assetid%). The linked asset was marked to be safe-trashed by %trashing_user%, and has been marked since %trash_date%. Your asset currently contains links to %asset_name% that are hidden to the asset map (of type invisible or reference - often this is due to links within bodycopies). %asset_name% cannot be trashed until all invisible or reference links to it are removed. Please rectify the above issue (by removing the links) so the asset can be trashed as soon as possible, or consult the user who marked the asset for safe trashing.

Safe trash warning: %asset_name%


You have administrator access to the asset %asset_name% (Id: #%assetid%), which was marked to be safe-trashed by %trashing_user%.The asset has been marked since %trash_date%. This asset is currently at a status of %asset_status%. It cannot be trashed until the asset is "placed under construction" or "archived". Please rectify the above issue (by changing the status of the asset) so it can be trashed as soon as possible, or consult the user who marked the asset for safe trashing.

Termination of cron manager


The scheduled jobs manager for the system %system_name% fatally triggered an error, terminating the scheduled jobs managers run. Check the scheduled jobs error log (in %error_log_path%) for any information. (System root urls : %root_urls%)

HIPO herder


Force kill %hipo_code_name%.

HIPO herder


Orphan kill %hipo_code_name%.









UNINSTALLED the following asset types as they are no longer recognised by any package: %type_code_list%



%auth_type_name% Authentication type created : %assetid%



Event listeners done.



%package_name% Package deferred for dependency resolution.


%package_name% Package install failed.



%package_name% Package installed successfully.



Uninstalled %package_name% package.



Global preferences done.


%package_name% Package system asset creation failed.



%package_name% Package system asset creation succeeded : %num_assets% assets created.

Global preferences updated


%type_code% preference variable %setting% changed from %old_value% to %new_value%.

Purge squid cache


%command% %result%

Security alert

Possible attempt to steal session detected!

User account locked

User %user_name% has had their account locked after %num_attempts% unsuccessful login attempts.

User logged in

User %user_name% logged in.

User login failed

User %login_name% failed to login (%failure_reason%).

User account access warning

Ldap user %asset_name% (username: %user_name%) has had their account accessed unsuccessfully %num_attempts% times in a session.

User logged in as secondary user

User %secondary_user_name% logged in as %user_name% from user switching.

User secondary login failed

Login to user account %secondary_login_name% failed from account %login_name% (%failure_reason%).

User automatically logged out

User %user_name% was logged out since they were inactive for %timeout% seconds.

User automatically logged out

User %user_name% was logged out since their ip address changed from %old_ip% to %new_ip%.

User logged out

User %user_name% logged themselves out.

User logged out secondary user

User %secondary_user_name% has logged out from the account of %user_name% after user switching.

User automatically logged out

User %user_name% was logged out since they hadnt authenticated for %timeout% seconds.

Trigger execution failure


INVALID (Trigger components could not be loaded) Trigger %trigger_name% (#%triggerid%), event: %event% broadcast by asset: %asset_name% (#%assetid%).

Trigger execution success


SUCCESS Trigger %trigger_name% (#%triggerid%), event: %event% broadcast by asset: %asset_name% (#%assetid%).</td></tr></tbody></table>