6.27 release notes

March 10, 2023

This page describes release information for all Matrix 6.27 versions, including patch releases.

New features

The following new features were introduced in this Matrix release.

Content delivery API release

The Content Delivery API (Content API) has received three extra parameters allowing you to build more specific content requests.

  • Pass the base_url query parameter with a request to resolve the base domain when populating the url field of the asset response.

  • Pass the additional data flag to return extra information about an asset not available through the asset’s standard fields or attributes. The assets that implement the additional asset data are:

    File assets

    Returns a file_info object containing file-specific info such as file size, file name, and dimensions (if applicable).

    Image assets

    Returns a file_info object and a varieties object. The varieties object is an array of asset response info for all image varieties under that image.

    Calendar Events

    will return event_info including the duration and frequency of the event.

  • Pass the depth query parameter for the asset children endpoint to control how many hierarchical levels to return. Previously this was always set as 1. The maximum depth is now 5. Regardless of the depth specified, children data is always returned as a flat data structure.

The following improvements to existing API functionality were also packaged in this release:

  • Thumbnail data returned when the thumbnail data query parameter is passed now includes the title and alt attributes of the relative Image asset.

  • Asset IDs that contain slashes (/ or \) are parsed correctly. This fix removes an issue commonly encountered with Git Bridge child assets retrieved through the API.

Asset management API activation now available to system administrators

Previously the asset management API could only be enabled by Squiz support on behalf of customers.

System administrators of Matrix 6 CMS instances can now activate the API through the System management area.

DXP services configuration screen

A new DXP services configuration screen is available to system administrators and root users.

Root users can access configuration options to activate the component service integration and access a reporting tool for component instances.

System administrators can access the reporting tool functionality only.

Segmentation assets released

The Segmentation folder and Segmentation user group asset types are released to support an upcoming Squiz DXP feature.


The following improvements were introduced in this Matrix release.

Asset version history excluded asset type automated cleanup

The 6.26 release introduced an ignore list for certain asset types that produced verbose version history changes.

A Cleanup Asset Version History Scheduled Job cron job runs every time the scheduled jobs manager runs. This cron job cleans up previous asset version history database table entries for matching asset types on the ignore list.

Bug fixes

The following bugs were resolved in this version of Matrix.


Page contents do not clone when using Squiz Server (MATRIX-4970)

When cloning pages with a HIPO job running on Squiz Server, a cloned component’s contents were generated before the component data was available. This processing order caused cloned content containers to show no content on website frontends. The HIPO process order was adjusted to prevent containers from generating content while cloning. Cloned content containers now generate their content when first accessed, and their contents are taken from their component.

Deleting a metadata schema causes fatal errors on safe edit assets that had it applied (MATRIX-5392)

Assets in safe edit could contain stored metadata schemas that a user had since deleted from a Matrix instance. This asset state caused a fatal PHP error when attempting to load deleted metadata schemas on affected assets. Matrix now checks to see if a metadata schema referencing safe editing data exists before viewing the asset in safe edit mode. Deleted metadata schemas no longer cause fatal errors when viewing safe edit pages.

SSJS content in pages and paint layouts incorrectly shows as changed when compared to live (MATRIX-5219)

Server-side JavaScript (SSJS) rendered within standard page contents or paint layouts were always detected as having changed. Previewing with compare to live (?SQ_ACTION=diff) incorrectly showed content as having changed. Matrix will now only display that a SSJS section has changed if the JS code which produces the output has changed.

/_recache does not trigger a proxy cache clear proxy cache when "Clear Proxy Cache Automatically" is enabled (MATRIX-4609)

The /_recache URL suffix was not purging the cache, which caused older cached content to appear on website frontends. The /_recache URL suffix was updated to trigger the re-caching mechanism in Matrix. Users can now add the _recache suffix to ensure proxy cache is cleared for all users and see the updated content.

Metadata fields are not editable when added to multiple schemas or sections (MATRIX-5323)

A logic issue was discovered when identical Metadata sections were included in multiple metadata schemas. When a user applied these metadata schemas to an asset, all fields would be marked with "This field is linked under another Metadata Schema or Section applied to this asset." This condition prevented users from editing metadata fields in Metadata sections linked under multiple schemas. The linking logic was updated so that only a single copy of the field is editable, which removes the logic issue.