Asset Management API
You must be a system administrator or higher to manage asset manager API access across your Matrix instance. |
The asset management API is a management asset that lets you create API token assets. These token assets provide CRUD API operation access to root nodes in your Matrix system, based on the user account and root node you select for each token.
Read the following sections to learn more about the API:
Learn about API usage information including enabling the API, base URL details, authentication methods, and valid error responses.
Learn what you need to do before you use the Asset Management API for the first time.
Create a page using the asset management API
Discover how to create a Matrix page using the asset management API.
Manage asset management API tokens
Find reference information about API tokens and how to control the parts of your Matrix site are accessible to the API.
Asset management API reference endpoint documentation
Discover how to access and view the API endpoint reference documentation for the API.