Password change form design area

This design area allows you to add a password change form into the design. If the user has an account, they can enter their current password and a new password to replace it.

Following is an example of the code that is required for the password change form design area.

In the example, the password change form will be hidden by default and only shown when the current user’s status is set to Up for review, which will also hide the body of the current front end asset.

<MySource_AREA id_name="password_change_form" design_area="password_change_form" print="no">
  <MySource_PRINT var="system_messages" />
    <h2><MySource_PRINT var="password_change_heading" /></h2>
    <MySource_PRINT var="form_open" />
      <p><MySource_PRINT var="password_change_message" /></p>
      <MySource_PRINT var="password_old_box" size="10" /><br/>
      <MySource_PRINT var="password_new_box" size="10" /><br/>
      <MySource_PRINT var="password_confirm_box" size="10" /><br/>
      <MySource_PRINT var="submit_button"/><br />
      <p><MySource_PRINT var="password_rules_note"/></p>
    <MySource_PRINT var="form_close" />

<MySource_AREA id_name="body" design_area="body" print="no"/>
<MySource_AREA id_name="match_home" design_area="show_if">
    <MySource_SET name="condition" value="keyword_regexp"/>
    <MySource_SET name="condition_keyword" value="globals_user_status_description"/>
    <MySource_SET name="condition_keyword_match" value="review" />
        <MySource_PRINT id_name="password_change_form" />
        <MySource_PRINT id_name="body" />

The print variables that can be used in the password change form design area are as follows:


This variable stats the password change form by printing the HTML <form> tag. this variable is required for this design area.


This variable ends the password change form by printing the HTML </form> tag. this variable is required for this design area.


This variable will print the heading sent by the operation wanting the password change form.


This variable will print the message that has been sent by the operation wanting the password change form.


This variable will print the input field for the user to enter their current password.


This variable will print the input field for the user to enter their new password.


This variable will print the input field for the user to confirm their new password into::


This variable will print the submit button.


This variable will print the password rules currently in place on the system.