Import assets from XML tool

The Import assets from XML tool takes a structured XML file created by the Export assets to XML tool tool, and uses the information to construct an identical asset structure in a target Matrix system based on the structured XML data.

The tool is available from Tools  Import assets from XML in the Matrix toolbar.

Importing and exporting assets between different versions of Matrix is not supported and may result in broken imports. For best results, only import and export assets between the same version of Matrix.

Imports and exports use the default context only. Any custom contexts are ignored.

To import assets using this tool:

  1. Select an XML file in the Files to import field. This field also supports importing assets from tar files containing XML and physical files.

  2. (Optional) In the Import assets under (optional) field, select a parent asset under which the XML file will be imported.

    The imported XML file can specify a parent asset. Setting a value in the Import assets under (optional) field will overwrite any parent asset specified in the imported file.
  3. Select Import to begin the import process.

The Import assets from XML tool does no error correction.

If errors are found during the import, an XML HIPO Error Report alert will present, displaying the errors found in the imported XML file.

If the Errors do not prevent the import from completing, however, a Continue button will also present.

Clicking this button completes the import but does not correct or otherwise change the imported file.