6.7 release notes
February 19, 2021
This page describes release information relating to all Matrix 6.7 versions including patch releases.
The following improvements were introduced in Matrix 6.7.
New asset creation experience
A new and improved asset creation experience is available in this version of Matrix.
When creating a new asset, you’ll notice the creation screen loads inside a modal overlaid on the current screen you are editing instead of replacing it entirely.

The modal makes it much quicker and easier to create the supporting assets you need while not leaving the current screen you are viewing.
For example, if you are on the Details screen of an asset and need to add a thumbnail image quickly, you can do so without leaving the details screen at all.
After creating the asset, you will see information about the newly created asset, including its asset ID, status, lineage, and URL.

You can choose to navigate to that asset to edit it or close the creation modal to return to the screen you were on.
Furthermore, improvements to the creation interface of several asset types make the asset creation experience more consistent no matter what asset you are creating.
Minor improvements
The following minor improvements were included in this version of Matrix:
Added a loading indicator to the Add component panel in the page builder.
Improved the client-side validation on several screens.
Improved performance in situations where several resources load at once on systems that use Redis for session management.
Increased the width of the draggable asset tree border to make it easier and more accessible to use.
Optimized the way some frontend JS files load to improve admin UI performance.
Keywords and server-side JavaScript are now replaced in component templates when used on a standard page’s custom edit layout.
Bug fixes
The following bug fixes were resolved in this version of Matrix.
February 19, 2021
Fixed an issue where the Change thesaurus term tool had an incorrect note about the root node field being optional.
Fixed an issue where the default JS could not be disabled on custom edit layouts when used in asset builders’ edit screen.
Fixed a UI issue where the modal overlay would not cover the screen header.
Fixed an issue where a user could bypass required fields on custom forms with a confirmation page.
Fixed an issue where sending or retrieving binary file data as part of a REST asset request would not return a JSON object.
Fixed a UI issue on the Import asset from XML tool where multiple rows were added when the Add file button was clicked.
Fixed an issue where the
keyword would not print any data if the user did not have locks on the asset first. -
Fixed an issue where the
keyword would print asset IDs without checking read permissions. -
Fixed an issue where the
keyword would print asset IDs without checking read permissions. -
Fixed an issue where the
keyword would evaluate incorrectly. -
Fixed an issue in the JS API where an incorrect error message was returned when the supplied API key was wrong.
Fixed a UI issue where the asset tree’s context menu would sometimes be incorrectly positioned.
Fixed an issue where workflow emails would have incorrect URLs for approving, rejecting, and reviewing.
Fixed an issue where the accessibility auditor in preview mode did not show the "point to element" marker.
Fixed an issue where deprecated PayPal assets could still be created through the Admin UI.
Fixed an issue where the HIPO modal would not immediately be visible during Import asset from XML jobs.
Fixed a UI issue where the HIPO interface would show a loading indicator when it wasn’t progressing a job.
Fixed an issue where switching to a different thumbnail on calendar events would clear the field.
Fixed an issue where custom edit layouts could not be applied directly to calendar events.
Fixed an issue where client-side validation would not work on some screens.
Fixed an issue where inline edit mode would acquire too many unneeded locks.
February 24, 2021
Fixed an issue where users were unable to change a file asset’s status through the Details screen due to client-side validation errors.
Fixed an issue where users could not access assets created with a trashed (deleted) and purged
attributed to the asset.