Trigger events

Trigger events identify the type of event in Matrix that triggers an action. Read Adding triggers for more information about creating a trigger.

After asset attributes updated

This event will fire the trigger after an asset’s attributes have been updated. For example, after the name of a standard page has been updated.

After asset built

If this event is selected, the trigger will be fired when an asset is finalized after creation from an asset builder or account manager page. Finalized assets are assets that have any required metadata values or paint layouts configured. For example, if a user creates a standard page asset using an asset builder, they can configure the information for any required metadata values.

After asset content updated

This event will fire the trigger after an asset’s contents have been updated. For example, after the summary or description of a news item has been updated. It will also fire on standard page assets when the content on any of its components is updated.

This event will not trigger on changes to file type assets (for example, PDF documents or images).

After asset metadata updated

If this event is selected, the trigger will fire when an asset’s metadata schema is regenerated after being updated. For example, if a user changes the description metadata field for an asset and then regenerates the metadata schema.

After permission updated

This event will fire the trigger after an asset’s permissions have been updated. For example, after read access has been applied to an asset.

After status changed

If this event is selected, the trigger will be fired when the status of an asset is changed. For example, if a user changes the status of an asset from Live to Safe edit.

After user logs in

If this event is selected, the trigger will be fired when a user logs into Matrix. This trigger includes both the administration and inline edit mode.

After user logs in through OAuth2

If this event is selected, the trigger will be fired when a user logs into Matrix through an OAuth2 account manager.

Read the OAuth2 documentation for more information about the protocol, or the OAuth account manager documentation for more information about using it in Matrix.

After user logs in through SAML

If this event is selected, the trigger will be fired when a user logs into Matrix through a SAML account manager. For more information, refer to the SAML manual.

After user logs out

If this event is selected, the trigger will be fired when a user logs out of Matrix. This trigger includes both the administration and inline edit mode.

After URLs updated

This event will fire the trigger after the URLs of an asset have been updated.

After workflow approval

If this event is selected, the trigger will fire when a user approves asset changes at any stage in a workflow process. For example, if a user approves the changes that have been made on the home page.

After workflow rejection

If this event is selected, the trigger will be fired when a user rejects the asset changes in a workflow. For example, if a user rejects the changes that have been made on the home page.

After workflow step condition approved

If this event is selected, the trigger will fire when all conditions on a workflow step are approved. For example, if a user approves the changes made to the asset in workflow and the workflow step is complete, this trigger will be fired.

Asset accessed

If this event is selected, the trigger will be fired when an asset is accessed through a URL. For example, when a user views the home page. The trigger will not fire if an asset is used through nested content or the %globals_asset_contents% keyword.

Asset cloned

If this event is selected, the trigger will be fired when an asset is cloned. For example, if a user uses the asset trees clone function to create a copy of an asset elsewhere in the system. For more information on cloning, refer to the cloning an asset chapter in the concepts manual.

Asset created

If this event is selected, the trigger will be fired when an asset is created. For example, if a user adds a standard page under the site.

Asset lookups updated

If this event is selected, the trigger will fire when the lookups for an asset are updated. For example, if the URL of an asset is changed or a design is applied to an asset.

Asset recached

If this event is selected, the trigger will be fired when an asset is recached using the system clear cache suffix. By default, this suffix is _recache. For example, if a user re-populates a page’s cache by appending _recache to the site URL, this trigger will be fired.

Asset updated

If this event is selected, the trigger will be fired when asset-specific data is updated. These updates include:

  • Generic asset data, such as an asset’s status, name, short name, languages, force_secure (updates to the sq_ast table).

  • Asset type-specific data, that is, asset attributes available on the details screen and other asset type screens (parameter maps, search fields, and more).

  • Asset metadata values (updates to the sq_ast_mdata_val table).

Updates like permission changes, workflow/metadata schema changes, roles, URLs, paint layouts, edit layouts, and designs will not fire the asset updated event.

Before asset attributes updated

This event will fire the trigger before an asset’s attributes are updated. For example, before the name of a standard page gets updated.

Before asset content updated

This event will fire the trigger before an asset’s contents are updated. For example, before the summary or description of a news item is updated. It will also fire on standard page assets when the content on any of its components is updated. NOTE: This event will not be triggered by changes to file-type assets (PDF documents or images).

Before asset created

If this event is selected, the trigger will be fired just before an asset is created. For example, if a user creates a standard page, this trigger will fire just after they then select Save but before the asset is seen in the asset tree. This delay can be used, for example, to stop users from creating assets in the wrong location of the system.

Before asset deleted

If this event is selected, the trigger will fire just before an asset is moved to the trash or deleted. This action can be used, for example, to stop users from deleting a user account from the system.

Before asset metadata updated

If this event is selected, the trigger will be fired before an asset’s metadata is updated. For example, before a user changes a text metadata field of an asset.

Before permission updated

This event will fire the trigger before an asset’s permissions are updated. For example, before read access is applied to an asset.

Before status changed

If this event is selected, the trigger will be fired just before an asset’s status is changed. This trigger can be used, for example, to stop users from changing an asset to a particular asset status.

Before user logs out

If this event is selected, the trigger will be fired just before the user logs out of the system. This trigger can be used for actions where user details are required. For example, you can use the Send email trigger to send an email to the user while they log out.

Before URLs updated

This event will fire the trigger before the URLs of an asset are updated.

Counter number issued

If this event is selected, the trigger will be fired when a counter integer value is issued through the issue counter values trigger action. For more information, refer to the Trigger actions chapter in this manual.

Form submission completed

If this event is selected, the trigger will be fired when a form submission is completed and submitted. For more information on creating a form, refer to the custom form manual.

Form submission created

If this event is selected, the trigger will fire when a form submission is first created, after the user’s answers to the questions on the initial form page have been populated. This event will fire irrespective of whether or not the submission is logged or not. For more information on creating a form, refer to the custom form manual.

If this event is selected, the trigger will be fired when an asset is linked within the asset tree. For example, if you link the contact us page under the home page.

If this event is selected, the trigger will be fired when a link for an asset is deleted. For example, say the contact us page has been linked under the site and home page. If a user deletes the contact us page under the home page.

Matrix cache cleared

If this event is selected, the trigger will be fired whenever the cache is cleared on a specific asset. NOTE: This event is not available on systems using memcache cache storage or when the cache is cleared either system-wide or by URL.

Metadata time

If this event is selected, the trigger will be fired when the metadata triggers cron job is run (refer to the system management manual) for more information about this job.

Order submitted

If this event is selected, the trigger will be fired when an order has been created and payment fulfilled. NOTE: This event will only appear when you have the ecommerce module installed in your system.

Paypal IPN completed

If this event is selected, the trigger will be fired when a PayPal instant payment notification (IPN) is verified and completed by the system. NOTE: This event will only appear when you have the ecommerce module installed in your system.

Payment completed

If this event is selected, the trigger will be fired when a completed transaction is posted back to the system from a payment gateway transaction. NOTE: This event will only appear when you have the ecommerce module installed in your system.

Public user session created

If this event is selected, the trigger will be fired when a public user session is created. For example, when a user first accesses the site.

Rest response received

If this event is selected, the trigger will be fired when a response is received from a rest resource on the Matrix system (that is, a rest resource asset or call rest resource trigger action).

Simple edit accessed

If this event is selected, the trigger will be fired when a user views an asset in the inline edit mode. For example, if the user is editing the home page in the inline edit mode.