6.9 release notes

April 29, 2021

This page describes release information relating to all Matrix 6.9 versions including patch releases.


Improved image asset editing experience

The user experience for editing image assets has been improved in this version of Matrix.

The image file section of the image asset Details screen has been broken out to its own dedicated Image section with a cleaner interface for managing the image file.

You can easily preview the image in a larger modal and quickly switch to edit mode, where you can use the recently released image editor.

Screenshot of the asset image editor

Once you have made changes to the image file, the new Image section will reflect the details of the updates.

Better client and server-side validation have also been added to ensure users can only select files with the correct file size and type when choosing a new image file to upload.

Screenshot of the asset image editor

Read the Image asset documentation for more information on how to use this feature.

Content API improvements

Several improvements to the Content API have been introduced in this version of Matrix.

New data parameters have been added to the assets endpoint to let developers retrieve more attributes and content from assets.

The new parameters now enable you to retrieve:

  • Asset attributes or metadata based on a context

  • Data from dependent child assets

  • Thumbnail asset file data.

A performance improvement was also made to the data=metadata parameter when retrieving metadata for any given asset.

Finally, the API reference documentation on the Content API Manager has also been improved to make it easier for developers to understand how to use each endpoint and its available parameters.

Read the API documentation for more information on how to use the Content API.

Minor improvements

The following minor improvements were included in this version of Matrix:

  • The design and layout for error, warning, and notice messages have been improved to make it easier for the user to know that there are errors on the current screen.

  • All sign-in sessions for a user now get destroyed when their status is set to Archived.

  • All sign-in sessions for a user now get destroyed when they change their password.

  • The connection test on the LDAP Bridge’s details screen is now asynchronous to make the initial screen load faster.

  • Asset names in the reference report are now linked to the referenced asset for quicker navigation.

  • Added an external link to the Matrix release notes in the Admin UI toolbar’s help drop-down menu.

Bug fixes

The following bug fixes were resolved in this version of Matrix.


April 29, 2021

  • Fixed an issue where a fatal error was thrown when a user tried to change their password while someone else had the locks on their user asset.

  • Fixed an issue where the contents data didn’t include the paint layout when requested through the Content API.

  • Fixed a UI issue where on smaller resolution screen sizes, it was impossible to see all toolbar drop-down menu options.

  • Fixed a UI issue where the regenerate metadata files checkbox was still visible on the metadata schema’s details screen.

  • Fixed an issue where asset URL keywords would not always pick the correct URL based on the current context.

  • Fixed a UI issue where 504 HTTP header response errors would not be shown as errors to the user when saving data on a screen.

  • Fixed an issue where the asset picker would not work in some HIPO job modals.

  • Fixed an issue on the reference report screen where asset references would sometimes show up multiple times.

  • Fixed an issue on the reference report screen where the assets were sometimes not correctly sorted alphabetically.

  • Fixed an issue where some links in the Admin UI would take the user out of the main UI frame.

  • Fixed an issue in the Asset created screen where users could not proceed to the next screen if PHP warnings were triggered as part of the creation process.

  • Fixed a UI issue on the query builder screen of the DB data source asset where the text area input was incorrectly positioned.

  • Fixed an issue for Image asset where you could incorrectly change the file extension from one type to another and cause the image asset to become corrupted.

  • Fixed an issue in the page builder where you couldn’t acquire the locks for components with templates applied when switching to an alternative context.

  • Fixed an issue where the download button would not work on the remap manager HIPO job.


May 4, 2021

  • Fixed a regression introduced as part of a fix to JavaScript data processing in REST resource assets, where the response body of any binary file was nullified when JavaScript processing was turned off.


May 13, 2021

  • Fixed a regression that caused images embedded in WYSIWYG components to not render on the frontend when the image was set as a decorative image.