Child assets tab

The child assets tab of the linking screen lets you view all assets directly linked under the current asset.

linking screen default view
Figure 1. Linking screen default view
  1. Content editors see a simplified set of asset information described in the Name, ID, and Visibility columns. The Show advanced info option is unavailable for this user account type.

If you are a Backend user or higher, the Show advanced info option reveals extra options for managing links.

linking screen child assets advanced
Figure 2. Linking screen advanced info view
  1. The drag-and-drop handles let you reorder child assets. Read to learn more about this feature.

  2. Select the binoculars to highlight the asset within the asset tree.

  3. Click on the asset name to load the Details screen for the selected asset.

    You can use your browser back button to return to the Linking screen.
  4. The asset ID along with the current workflow status.

  5. Choose between Visible and Hidden to control how an asset appears in website menus.
    Read more about this in How to change menu visibility for assets.

  6. Optionally specify a value for the link.
    For example, you can use the value to filter assets in an Asset Listing when you only want to list assets with a specific visibility type. More advanced use cases include targeting specific links from a trigger action or ensuring you only affect certain links when running a JavaScript API call.

  7. The link ID is used internally within Matrix.

  8. Select the Lock to lock the asset link. When locked, links cannot be moved, deleted, or otherwise manipulated. Selected System Asset links — such as those under the System Management folder — are locked by default.

Reorder assets with drag and drop

You can reorder child assets using drag-and-drop handles shown in 1. Once you save your changes, the order you select is reflected in the asset tree and on your website frontend.

You can not reorder dependent assets.

To reorder child assets:

  1. Select Edit to activate link editing mode.

  2. Use the drag-and-drop handles to change the order of the child assets.

  3. Once you have finished your structural adjustments, select Save.