
Marketo is a marketing automation platform focused on account-based marketing, including email, mobile, social, digital ads, web management, and analytics.

The Marketo component provides an integrations pathway with the Marketo’s APIs, which provide API-level access to Marketo’s marketing automation platform.


Marketo provides instructions to grant API access under the section Getting Started. The following permissions are required for the role:

  • Access API.Read-Only Activity -> For all polling tasks and for verifying credentials

  • Access API.Read-Only Lead -> For GetLeadsPolling

Environment variables

Name Mandatory Description Values



Define URL to Marketo swagger document for generation correct metadata



Timeout for polling bulk import job status in ms


The component LOG_LEVEL environment variable has been deprecated. Now you can control the logging level per each step of the flow.


  • Client ID.

  • Client Secret.

  • Endpoint URL. For example,

  • Identity URL Url of your identity. For example,

You can find the first two items as described in this figure:

Rest API service and no permissions service

Other two here:

Endpoint and Identity

Once these values have been collected, they can be entered in the account information.


The available triggers are:

Get new activities polling

Trigger to get all new and updated activities since the last polling.

Get new leads polling

Trigger to get all leads updates. Only updated leads fields would be retrieved.

Poll bulk extract results

Poll Bulk Extract Results and download file with extracted data to attachments.


The Marketo actions are divided into three sections.

Bulk actions

Bulk import

Action for insertion of large sets of person and person-related data.

Bulk extract

Extract the file with requested data to attachments.

Lookup actions

Lookup object (at most 1)

Lookup a single object by unique criteria.

Lookup objects

Lookup multiple objects by criteria.

Lookup activities

Lookup activities by criteria.

Other actions

Describe object

Get Describe object metadata.

List custom objects

This action returns a list of custom objects available in the destination instance, along with additional metadata about the objects.

Upsert objects

Action upsert objects by unique criteria.

Delete object by unique criteria

Delete object by unique criteria.

Known limitations

  1. See REST API limitations

  2. We recommend setting flow to real time if the total execution time is greater than 60 seconds.

  3. The attachments mechanism does not work with Local Agent Installation.