Microsoft Power BI

Microsoft Power BI Component is designed to interact with Power BI REST API Current release of the component tested on API v1


Microsoft Power BI uses OAuth 2.0.

Read the Microsoft Identity Platform Quickstart Guide for information on how to register an application.

The redirect URI for platform is;

If your connect platform URL is, the redirection URI for the platform is:


A required dropdown. Set this to OAuth2.

Choose Auth Client

A required dropdown. Select one of the created before or Add New Auth Client:


A required string. Provide a name.

Client ID

A required string. Enter Application (client) ID.

Client Secret

A required string. Enter Client credentials.

Authorization Endpoint

A required string. Set this to the Power BI authorization endpoint:

Token Endpoint

A required string. Set this to the Power BI refresh token endpoint:

Name Your Credential

A required string. Provide a name.

Scopes (Space-separated list)

A required string. Enter scopes to get access to your Power BI reports: offline_access Report.ReadWrite.All and any additional scopes that you need.


This component has no trigger functions. This means it will not be accessible to select as a first component during the integration flow design.


Retrieve reports

Used to search and retrieve reports.



A required drop-down:

Search Report

Search for the report by its name or retrieve all available reports.

Get Report Info

Get report description.

Export Report

Exports the specified report from the workspace to a Power BI file.

Input Metadata

This depends on the Operation item selected above:

Search Report
Report name

An optional string. You can use any part of the report name to search multiple reports or leave it blank to get all.

Get Report Info and Export Report
Report ID

A required string. The unique report identifier.

Make Raw Request

Executes custom requests utilizing plain Power BI REST API.

Configuration Fields

Don’t throw error on 404 Response

An optional boolean. Treat 404 HTTP responses not as an error. This defaults to false.

Input Metadata


A required string. Path of the resource relative to the base URL (the part of the path after


A required string. HTTP verb to use in the request, one of GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE.

Request Body

An optional object. Body of the request to send.

Output Metadata

Status Code

A required number. HTTP status code of the response.

HTTP headers

A required object. HTTP headers of the response.

Response Body

An optional object. HTTP response body.