
Squiz Integrations is a cloud-based platform purpose-built for Squiz DXP users. Using the platform, you can build integrations that facilitate a seamless digital ecosystem.

Seamless integration

The platform enables seamless connectivity between Squiz products and other digital applications, systems, and technologies, creating a unified digital ecosystem.

Rapid data flow

The platform facilitates quick data exchanges, ensuring that information moves swiftly and efficiently across different systems.

User-friendly interface

The platform’s intuitive design allows users with varying technical skills to build and manage integrations.

Improved collaboration

The platform supports collaboration across different departments, enabling a more integrated approach to digital strategy and execution.


As a cloud-based solution, the platform can easily scale to meet the changing needs of your organisation and adapt to new technologies and applications.

  • Getting started

    Learn more about the fundamentals through these getting started topics.

  • Integrator guide

    Learn more about how to build and manage integration flows through these more advanced topics.

  • Components

    Learn about each of the platform’s integration components through these topics.

  • Release notes

    Keep up-to-date with the latest features and fixes available.

  • API Documentation

    Access REST API documentation resources.