
The Wordbee component provides actions in line with the get media, poll status, pull content, and push content functions of the Wordbee Translator Platform’s API.

The relevant API documentation can be found at https://wordbee.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/API2/overview.


The following credentials are required to authenticate the Squiz Integrations Wordbee component with your Wordbee instance.


Your credential’s title.

Instance URL

Your Wordbee Translator URL. For example:

  • https://www.wordbee-translator.com

  • https://your-platform-name.eu.wordbee-translator.com

  • https://translate.your-domain.com

Account ID

The code of your Wordbee platform. It is the same code you type in the sign in screen.

API key

Identifies a Wordbee Translator user. If you do not have one yet, create one now at https://wordbee.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/API2/pages/491804/Creating+API+Keys

Do not throw error on failed calls

If this checkbox is selected, the component emits any error response from Wordbee as a message and allows the flow to continue.

If it is not selected, an error response from Wordbee causes the component to throw an error, and the flow run fails.

An example use case would be when retrieving some content that does not exist. You may want your flow to continue, regardless. Selecting this checkbox causes the component to emit a 404 response as a message so the flow can continue.

Wordbee component actions


All actions emit a result object containing the body of the response received from the Wordbee API.

Push content

This action allows integrators to push content to a Wordbee Flex document.

Input fields
Document ID

Specify either a document ID (such as 1000) or a job ID (such as c300).

Callback URL (optional)

A URL that is called upon the success or failure of the operation.

JSON Payload

Content for translation in JSON format.

Poll status

This action allows integrators to get the status of an asynchronous operation.

The relevant API documentation is available at https://wordbee.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/API2/pages/491571/trm+status.

Input fields
Request ID

The ID of the operation as returned by an asynchronous API method.

Pull content

This action allows integrators to download all or selected segments from a flex document.

Input fields
Document ID

Specify either a document ID (such as 1000) or a job ID (such as c300).

DTChange (optional)

Filter on the last change of segments.

Changes may be anything from text in languages, meta information, comments, and more.

Read the documentation at https://wordbee.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/API2/pages/1868169237 for more information.

Keys (optional)

A list of segment keys to pull.

This filter is case insensitive and you can request up to 500 keys with one pull.
Key (optional)

A filter on keys using a prefix, suffix, infix, wildcard, or a regular expression (regex) pattern.

This filter is case insensitive.

Read the documentation at https://wordbee.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/API2/pages/1869283353 for more information.

Components (optional)

A list of component IDs to pull.

This filter is case-sensitive and you can request up to 500 keys with one pull.

Read the Components / Flex documentation for more information.

Component (optional)

A filter on keys using a prefix, suffix, infix, wildcard, or a regex pattern.

This filter is case-sensitive.

Read the documentation at https://wordbee.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/API2/pages/1869283353 for more information.

Segments (optional)

A list of segment IDs to pull.

A more common scenario would be to use the 'keys' property to fetch specific segments.

You can request up to 500 keys with one pull.
BsidMin (optional)

Within pagination, return only segments with a sequential ID equal or above. The sequential number starts at one (first segment in the container).

BsidMax (optional)

Within pagination, return only segments with a sequential ID equal or below.

Major (optional)

Query segments for this major version.

Minor (optional)

Query segments for this minor version. You must specify the major version as well.

Locales (0ptional)

List of locales to export. If not set or null, then content in all languages is included.

IncludeCustomFields (optional)

Export segment and text level custom fields with the results. Defaults to false. Read the documentation at https://wordbee.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/API2/pages/491646 for more information.

IncludeLabels (optional)

Export text labels with the results. Defaults to false. Read the documentation at https://wordbee.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/WBT/pages/712212/Labels for more information.

IncludeComments (optional)

Export segment and text level custom fields with the results. Defaults to false.

ExcludeTexts (optional)

Permits to specify if a segment’s translation shall be included with a segment.

A segment may be split into multiple sub-segments in the Wordbee Translation Editor, and each such sub-segment may have its status (None, Ok, Problem).

When pulling the segment, the system uses this filter to decide whether a specific translation shall be included or not with the segment.

The available options are:


A translation is not included if ANY of the sub-segments have the 'Problem' status (red color).


A translation is not included in the JSON if ALL the sub-segments have the 'Problem' status.


A translation not included unless ALL the sub-segments have the 'OK' status (green color).


No filter (same as null or dropping this property).

ExcludeTextsProblem (deprecated)

Use the more comprehensive excludeTexts property instead.

CopySourceToTarget (optional)

If true, then texts with empty/missing translation are returned with the source text value. Defaults to true.

This is done under these conditions:

  • The translation is empty.


  • The translation status is not set to OK/green (the translator can make an empty text in the translation explicit).

    Set to false to disable this copying behavior.

Callbackurl (optional)

A URL that is called upon success or failure of the operation.

This makes polling for results (see below) unnecessary.

The URL is called as a POST request with the operation result included in the body. Read the RESULTS documentation for the JSON format.

You can include your references in the URL. For example, http://callmeback.mycompany.com?operationid=22222&mydata=abcde

Get media using token

Many methods in the API that download or generate files do not send the file back immediately.

Instead, they return a token.

This action allows the integrator to fetch the actual file for the token.

The relevant API documentation is available at https://wordbee.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/API2/pages/491920/media+get+token.

Input fields

The reference token of the file.

Should send as stream

If true, this option appends /stream to the API endpoint to allow the response to be configured so that browsers attempt to render the file in a browser window.

RangeMaxMb (optional)

Can be used if Should send as stream is set to True.

For use in unique video streaming cases only or if the client/browser submits HTTP range requests.

Permits to set the maximum size in megabytes of a range of data returned to the browser.

This setting is recommended if the video is shown for subtitling where only very small ranges need to be downloaded.

The value is restricted from 1 MB to 100 MB.