Creating an OAuth app on SugarCRM
This process is necessary to connect Squiz Connect to your SugarCRM instance, and is one of the tasks required in the authentication process of SugarCRM component.
To connect Squiz Connect to your SugarCRM instance, an OAuth app needs to be created on that SugarCRM instance, following the steps below.
Once this is done, a valid username
and password
is provided to Integrations.
The username
and password
is then exchanged for a token.
In a production system, the best practice is to create a dedicated user account for Integrations. This user account should have the minimum required permissions.
Steps to follow
As an admin on your SugarCRM instance, go to the Administration panel:
Select OAuth Keys:
In the top bar, click the OAuth Keys menu:
Select Create OAuth Key:
Fill in the following values:
- Consumer Key Name
Specify a name that is convenient to remember.
- Consumer Key
Specify a strongly random string.
You will need to provide this information as part of the SugarCRM component account information.
- Consumer Secret
Pick a strongly random string.
You will need to provide this information as part of the SugarCRM component account information.
- OAuth Version
OAuth 2.0
- Client Type
Sugar User
- Description
Optional value for your convenience
Click Save.
If using Sugar 8, register a platform value through the SugarCRM UI.