This component implements the Content-Based Router pattern from Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP).
This component has no trigger functions. This means it will not be accessible to select as a first component during the integration flow design.
This action is responsible for performing the only function of the component, which is described in the header.
Here is how to use Route action:
First you have to define a new flow branch,

then you have to define a routing criteria

1 Define a routing criteria. 2 The evaluation result.
and setup your next steps:

1 Set up required steps.
How it works?
Here is the sample integration flow with CBR inside it:
"data": {
"attributes": {
"name": "CBR Test",
"type": "ordinary",
"graph": {
"nodes": [
"command": "platform/webhook:receive@latest",
"fields": {
"payload": "test"
"id": "in"
"command": "platform/router:route@latest",
"id": "router"
"command": "platform/code:execute@latest",
"fields": {
"code": "'one');emitter.emit('data',msg)"
"id": "one"
"command": "platform/code:execute@latest",
"fields": {
"code": "'two');emitter.emit('data',msg)"
"id": "two"
"command": "platform/code:execute@latest",
"fields": {
"code": "'default');emitter.emit('data',msg)"
"id": "default"
"edges": [
"source": "in",
"target": "router"
"config": {
"condition": "$number(test) > 10"
"source": "router",
"target": "one"
"config": {
"condition": "$number(test) > 20"
"source": "router",
"target": "two"
"source": "router",
"target": "default"
"type": "flow"
The content based router (CBR) component has a single input and multiple outputs (edges).
Outgoing edge from CBR component should have a configuration property called condition
that defines a JSONata expression.
Expression on each edge is validated based on message that arrived to the CBR component.
If condition is evaluated to true
then a copy of the message is sent to the component connected to the outgoing edge.
If condition is not defined on the outgoing edge, then this edge considered to be default edge. Default edge will get all messages that didn’t matched any other edges. Please note - CBR component may only have a single default edge. Multiple default edges will fail validation of Squiz Integrations API.
Now let us examine our sample from above:
Incoming webhook has a message like
{ "test":"12345" }
As you can see CBR component has 3 outgoing edges, conditions are
$number(test) > 10
for edge that is connected to step IDone
$number(test) > 30
for edge that is connected to step IDtwo
Last edge has no condition, therefore a default edge connected to step
Read more about Content-based routing in the Integrator guide. |