SugarCRM triggers

This page describes all triggers available in Connect for the SugarCRM component.

Fetching new and updated objects from SugarCRM - polling

Fetch any type newly created and/or updated object in your SugarCRM instance.

To do this, select the trigger Fetch new and updated objects and then configure the following:

SugarCRM module to fetch

Type of object to fetch

Number of records to fetch

Maximum number of records to fetch per call. If left blank then the default set on your SugarCRM instance.

Fetching new and updated objects from SugarCRM - webhook

Push new and updated objects to Connect via webhooks.

To do this, select Fetch new and updated objects (getObjects - Webhook):

  • When a flow with this trigger is started, Connect registers a webhook on the SugarCRM instance.

  • When the flow is stopped, Connect destroys the webhook.

Fetching deleted objects from SugarCRM - webhook

Push the IDs of deleted objects to Connect via webhooks.

To do this, select Fetch deleted objects (getDeletedObjects - Webhook):

  • When a flow with this trigger is started, Connect registers a webhook on the SugarCRM instance.

  • When the flow is stopped, Connect destroys the webhook.