Managing workspaces
This document provides information on workspace management, namely the following actions: creating workspaces, managing a workspace, as well as adding new and managing existing users.
Creating workspaces
A Workspace is an environment within your platform contract where users can build and test flows. Access to a workspace is restricted by default.
As a rule each Workspace should have a specific function. For most organisations we recommend a Production workspace where your live integrations are running, and a Staging or Testing workspace where you can test new or updated flows against staging or sandbox accounts.
However any user can create a workspace to test new ideas in a space where other users cannot see or access them. Any new Workspace created within a contract will automatically be a "limited" workspace. Limited workspaces are designed to function like sandboxes. They have limited logging and data storage and should not be used for Production flows. If you have a Limited workspace that you want to use for production flows, contact support.
Creating a workspace
Learn how to create a new workspace that contains its own flows, credentials and members.
Working in the UI, the option to create a new workspace is available on a number of screens, however the Create Workspace button in the left hand menu is always available.
Click "Create Workspace"
Enter a Workspace name and click "Create".
Working in the API, use the following request:
Below are request parameters:
Payload Parameter | Required | Description |
yes |
Allowed value: |
yes |
Name of the new workspace |
yes |
ID of the contract |
yes |
Allowed value: |
To create a new workspace called Integrator 2: Judgement Day, we will use the following request:
$ curl \ -X POST \ -u {EMAIL}:{APIKEY} \ -H 'Accept: application/json' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d ' { "data":{ "type":"workspace", "attributes":{ "name":"Integrator 2: Judgement Day" }, "relationships":{ "contract":{ "data":{ "id":"{CONTRACT_ID}", "type":"contract" } } } } }'
The Workspace name may contain only letters, digits, whitespaces, - and _ symbols, and be from 3 up to 40 symbols long.
Managing a workspace
A workspace owner or admin can manage the Workspace.

1 At the top of the left-hand menu, select the workspace you want to administer.
2 In the Organise section of the menu, click Workspace to view the admin screen.
You will see the workspace details, including a list of workspace members.
Add users
Learn how to add members of your contract to a workspace and change a member role in Integrations.
Any platform user can be added to your contract as a member. New members can be invited to the contract from DXP Console.
1 Click Add new member button.
2 Select the member.
3 Define workspace role.
4 Click Add.

Manage existing users
To remove members from a workspace, click the Remove icon on the user list, or click Edit to change a member’s role.
Workspace details
To rename a workspace, click Workspace in the menu, and then click Workspace name.
To delete a workspace, click Delete workspace on the same page:

If you are working in an Limited Workspace a message will display on screen. Limited workspaces are for test use only and have limitations that make them unsuitable for use in productions. Contact support if you need to make a limited workspace unlimited.
Workspace management via the API
All actions that can be carried out in the UI can be carried out via the API.
To add a new member via the API, use the following request:
Below are request parameters:
Payload Parameter | Required | Description |
yes |
ID of an already registered user, who will be added as a member of the workspace |
yes |
Allowed value: |
yes |
New member roles. |
To add a user with the ID Elvis with King and Immortal roles we will use the following request:
$ curl{WORKSPACE_ID}/members/ \ -X POST \ -u {EMAIL}:{APIKEY} \ -H 'Accept: application/json' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d ' { "data": { "type": "member", "id": "{Elvis}", "attributes": { "roles": [ "{King}", "{Immortal}" ] } } }'
To update user roles via the API, use the following request:
Below are request parameters:
URL Parameter | Required | Description |
yes |
Workspace ID |
yes |
Target user ID |
Payload Parameter | Required | Description |
yes |
ID of an already registered user, match URL parameter |
yes |
Allowed value: |
yes |
Roles. |
To change user roles we will use the following request:
$ curl{WORKSPACE_ID}/members/{USER_ID}/ \ -X PATCH \ -u {EMAIL}:{APIKEY} \ -H 'Accept: application/json' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d ' { "data": { "type": "member", "id": "{USER_ID}", "attributes": { "roles": [ "{NEW_ROLE}" ] } } }'
To remove a member from the workspace via the API we will use the following request:
Below are request parameters:
URL Parameter | Description |
The ID of the Workspace. |
The ID of the user, which requires deletion. |
$ curl{WORKSPACE_ID}/members/{USER_ID}/ \ -X DELETE \ -u {EMAIL}:{APIKEY}
To rename a workspace via the API we will use the following request:
Below are request parameters:
Payload Parameter | Description |
The value must be |
Name of the workspace. |
$ curl{WORKSPACE_ID} \ -X PATCH \ -u {EMAIL}:{APIKEY} \ -H 'Accept: application/json' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d ' { "data":{ "type":"workspace", "attributes":{ "name":"New Workspace Name" } } }'
To delete workspace via the API we will use the following request:
Below are request parameters:
URL Parameter | Description |
The ID of the Workspace. |