

To use this component you must:

  1. Create an app in Slack.

  2. Go to the OAuth & Permissions section and provide the required Scopes.

  3. Install the new app to Slack Workspace.


Below are the component credentials configuration fields:

OAuth Token

This is a required string value. The OAuth Tokens for Your Workspace. This token is automatically generated when you installed the app on your team.

To successfully verify credentials you need to provide access to channels:read scopes.


This component has no trigger functions. This means it will not be accessible to select as a first component during the integration flow design.


Lookup object (at most one)

Lookup a single object by a selected field that uniquely identifies it.

Configuration fields

Object Type

A required string value. Object-type to lookup on. For example, User.

Lookup Criteria

A required object value. A list of object parameters that can uniquely identify the object in the database.

Allow criteria to be omitted

An optional boolean value. If selected field Lookup Criteria Value becomes optional.

Allow zero results

An optional boolean value. When selected, if the object is not found, an empty object will be returned instead of throwing error.

To use this action on User Object Type you must provide access to and users:read scopes. The User ID can be found in their profile:
User ID

Input metadata

Lookup Criteria Value

A required (unless Allow criteria to be omitted is selected) string value. A value for unique search criteria in the Lookup criteria configuration field.

Output metadata

Object with result of lookup

Make raw request

Executes a custom request.

Configuration fields

There are no configuration fields.

Input metadata


A required string value. Path of the resource relative to the base URL.


A required string value. HTTP verb to use in the request, one of GET, POST.

Request Body

An optional object value. Body of the request to send.

Output metadata

Status Code

A required number value. HTTP status code of the response.

HTTP headers

A required object value. HTTP headers of the response.

Response Body

An optional object value. HTTP response body.

Post message

Implements Slack’s post message API endpoint.

Configuration fields

There are no configuration fields.

Input metadata

Channel ID

A required string value. The ID(s) of the channel(s) where the user can post message. All available channels can be retrieved with the conversation.list API method. Example C03ND7QEN5T.


A required object value. Object with properties attachments, blocks and text. One of these properties is required to describe the content of the message. If attachments or blocks are included, text will be used as fallback text for notifications only. Read Slack’s documentation at


An optional object value. All possible arguments. Read Slack’s documentation at

Output metadata

The output metadata includes the response data from the Post Message API endpoint.