
This component allows you to connect to the BigCommerce platform through REST API.

Read the BigCommerce API documentation for more information.


To use the BigCommerce connector, you need the following:

Store hash

Specify your unique ID for the store.

Access Token

To generate API Credentials:

  1. Navigate to Advanced Settings  API Accounts  Create API Account.

  2. Give the account a name (this will only be visible to store users).

  3. In the OAuth Scopes section, select the minimum scopes the app will require.

  4. Click Save.

Read the BigCommerce documentation for more information about creating API credentials.


Get new and updated objects

This trigger collects all new or new and modified objects for the selected type and sends messages with each of them. The first run will collect information all the time.

Configuration fields

Object type to Lookup

A dropdown list where you should choose the object type, which you want to poll. for example, Orders.

Field to poll

Indicates field to poll (new objects or new and modified objects).

Input metadata

Autogenerated depending on the selected Object type


Each call receives a maximum of 250 records


Make raw request

Executes custom request

Configuration fields

Don’t throw error on 404 Response

An optional boolean field. The system will not treat 404 HTTP responses as errors. The default is false.

Input fields


A required string enum (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH) field. HTTP Verb for the request.


A required string field. Path of the resource relative to the URL base. Mostly starts with the API version.

Request Body

An optional object field. Body of the request to send.

Output fields

Status Code

A required number field. HTTP status code of the response.

Response Body

An optional object field. JSON representation of the response body from the request.

Create object

Creates selected object.

Action creates a single object.

Input metadata is stored in the component.

Input fields

Object type to Create

A dropdown list where you should choose an object type, which you want to create. for example, Product.

Update object

Updates selected object. Action updates a single object. Input metadata is stored in the component.

Input fields

Object type to Update

A dropdown list where you should choose an object type, which you want to create. for example, Product.


The set of fields to update can be different from the set of fields when the object is created.

Delete object

Deletes selected object by ID.

Input fields

Object type to Delete

A dropdown list where you should choose the object type, which you want to delete. for example, Product.



A string entry. BigCommerce object ID. The result is an object with a property id in case of successful operation.

Lookup object by ID

Lookup an object by ID.

Input fields

Object type to Lookup

A dropdown list where you should choose the object type, which you want to lookup. for example, Product.

Allow ID to be omitted

If this option is selected, ID can be omitted and the empty object will be returned. Otherwise, an ID is required.

Allow zero results

If this option is selected and nothing is found an empty object will be returned. Otherwise, the action throws an error.



A string entry. BigCommerce object ID.

Lookup objects

Lookup objects satisfying specified criteria.

Input fields

Object type to Lookup

A dropdown list where you should choose the object type, which you want to lookup. for example, Product.

Output method

A dropdown list of following values: Emit all, Emit page and Emit individually;

Number of search terms

A text field where you can specify the number of search terms (not less than 0 and not greater than 99). If 0 is specified then all records will be returned.


The input metadata can contain different fields depending on the Output method configuration field:

Output method

Emit all or Emit individually.

Maximum number of records

An optional positive integer (the default value is 250).

Output method

Emit page.

Page size

A required integer from the interval [1-250]. It defaults to 250 if a value not from the interval is specified;

Page number

A required non-negative integer (greater than 0); It defaults to 1 if a negative value is specified.

The number of records the component emits may affect the performance of the platform/component.

Groups of fields for each search term go next:

Field name

A string represents a lookup field (a list of allowed values is available);

Field value

A string represents the value for the selected field.


The output data depends on the configuration Output method field:

Emit all

Emit page: an object with key results that has an array of records as its value;

Emit individually

Emit a single record.

Lookup set of objects by unique criteria

Action to bulk map product SKUs to BigCommerce product IDs

If no objects are found, an error will be thrown

Input fields

Object type

A dropdown list where you should choose the object type, which you want to lookup. for example, Products.

Conversion direction

A dropdown list where you should choose a direction for conversion: SKU → BigCommerce ID or BigCommerce ID → SKU


If the Conversion direction field is set to SKU → BigCommerce ID:

List of SKUs to map

A required array field. The list of SKU values to map. For example, ["OLP", "TVBS", "KPZE"].

If Conversion direction field is set to BigCommerce ID → SKU:

Big Commerce IDs to map

A required array field. A list of ID values to map. For example, [23, 34, 45, 56].

Output fields


A required object field. An object which contains BigCommerce IDs and SKUs as key value pairs

Upsert object

Updates selected object if it is present and can be found by its ID. Otherwise creates a new object with supplied parameters. Action updates or creates a single object.

Configuration fields

Object Type

A required string field. Includes Customers & Orders.

This action temporarily supports only Customer or Order object types. Support for other object types will be added shortly.

Input metadata

All required and optional metadata fields are obtained dynamically based on the type of the current Object.

Output metadata

The object that was created or updated as a result of the action.


The following actions are not fully tested, data loss may occur.

  • The AND operand logic is implicitly applied between every two terms' group of fields.

  • The maximum number of Products returned is 250. Read the BigCommerce documentation for more about filtering.