The Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) component allows Connect to work with AMQP-based APIs, which is an open standard for passing business messages between applications or organizations.


This component is designed to interface with Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) APIs. AMQP is an open standard for passing business messages between applications or organizations (see for more).

AMQP component establishes asynchronous communications with queues and topics to publish or consume records.

The consumer registers a non-exclusive non-durable queue with autodelete=true and without any dead letter. The queue’s name is dynamically generated based on the USER_ID, FLOW_ID prefixed with eio_consumer_. This queue is bound to the exchange with a specified bound key or multiple bound keys specified in one string separated by commas.


This component expects the user to provide an AMQP URL. The username and password should be embedded as part of the URL, for example, amqp://foo:bar@server. You can also use URL syntax to provide additional parameters and other options (for example, vHost or port).




This trigger consumes the incoming message object that contains the body with the payload. If the exchange does not exist, it is created at start.

You can use # or * to wildcard. Read the tutorial on RabbitMQ’s site for more information.




This action publishes the messages into an exchange. This exchange is created at start if it does not exist.


Known limitations

The following limitations of the component are known:

  • You can not publish to the default exchange.

  • All published exchanges are topic exchanges by default. However, with the topic exchanges, one can emulate direct and fanout exchanges.