Pre-populate a form using URL parameters

You may want to send the same form link to multiple people or groups and have some fields prefilled with different information for all users.

There are two ways to achieve this, depending on your use case. You should try both to see what works best for you.

This is the more advanced way of pre-filling fields. You can also use the Save and complete later function to achieve the same result.

  1. First, you will need your form URL, for example:

    Sending this URL to your users as it is will give them the blank form.

  2. Now add a question mark to the end of your form URL like this:
  3. Then, for all fields you would like to pre-populate, add the field name (in all lowercase) and answer like this. name=John
  4. You can pre-populate multiple fields by separating them with an & sign like this: name=John&last name=Smith&patient

When the user clicks the link, if there are questions and answers in the URL with this format, they will be pre-populated on the form.

You can create as many of these links as you need for different users of the same form.

Depending on your browser, spaces in your URL will be automatically replaced with %20 like this:

Using the %20 code instead of spaces in the URL is recommended.