Email Address

The Email Address field only accepts entries that are in a valid email format.

If an auto-reply email is set up for a form, the email will be sent to the first email address provided on the form.

Basic setup

  1. In the Form Fields panel (left-hand side), drag the Email Address field onto your form.

  2. Type the question or name.

  3. (Optional) Select if answering this question is compulsory.

  4. Click Save & Close.

Show advanced options

Click the Show Advanced Options button to reveal additional controls and functionality, as the following table explains.

Option Description

Question (Label)

Show a different field label (instead of the field name) on the form. When a Question (Label) is specified, it will override the Question (Name) on your form.

Using this feature you can:

* Show multiple fields with the same question or label.

* Use internal field names for reporting purposes, but show user-friendly field labels on the form.

Hide the question (only show the answer box)

Only show the input field (without the question/name).

Default answer

Prefill the field with a default answer. Field short-codes can also be used to prefill dynamic values directly from responses in other fields within the form.


Provide an example of a response or required format to guide form users. The placeholder text will disappear when a value is typed in.

Further instructions

Add some informative text just below the field.

Answer Rules & Validation

Run validation checks on data entered on the form (such as numbers only, alphabet only, etc) when a form user submits the form, or proceeds to the next page.

Read-only - do not allow entry into this field

Lock a field to prevent form users from modifying a pre-defined field value. For example, you may have a default answer such as 'today’s date' or 'customer ID' that is pre-filled on the form and you do not want form users to change it.

Hidden - do not show this field on the online form

Hide a field to prevent form users from modifying a pre-defined field value. For example, you may have a default answer such as 'today’s date' or 'customer ID' that is pre-filled on the form and you do not want form users to see it.

Show/hide this field with conditional logic

Hide this field until certain conditions/responses in other fields are met. For more information, read the Conditional logic section.