Advanced workflows

Workflows can be set up when you need to let multiple people collaborate, review, and edit information on a single form response.

Setting up Field groups

Before setting up a workflow, you must group the fields in your form to create distinct sections linked to the appropriate workflow steps.

  1. Drag a Field Group design element onto the form.

  2. Enter a name for internal purposes only. For example, 'Employee leave details'.

  3. Click Save & Close.

  4. Drag the relevant form fields into the field group.

  5. Repeat these steps for all required group/workflow steps. For example, 'Manager approval' or 'HR notes'. Each field group you create here will appear as options to be included in your workflow steps.

  6. Save your form.

Field groups and their dividing lines are not visible to form users. If you want to break up your form visually, use the Heading design element.

Configure a workflow

Now you are ready to configure the workflow steps for this form.

To configure a workflow:

  1. Go to Form Settings  Workflows and select Enable workflows.

  2. On the Step Settings tab, enter a name for the first workflow step (used for internal purposes only). For example, Employee Request.

  3. Go to the Field Groups tab and for each of the field group(s) listed, set the interaction level respondents will have with these fields:

    Not visible in this step

    Choose this if the field group is not required in this step.

    View only

    Choose this option if the fields are informational only for this step.

    View and edit

    This option makes the fields in the field group visible and interactable to respondents.

  4. [Optional] Click on the Logic rules tab to set conditional logic about which, if any, subsequent workflow steps are shown based on answers given for the fields used in this step.

    Add a logic rule
    1. Select a field question/name from the form.

    2. Select the operator. For example is, contains.

    3. Enter the required response/condition.

    4. Select the workflow step to be shown for this condition.

      1. Click Add another rule for all required conditions.

  5. Click Add another workflow step if you need to add another step.

  6. If subsequent workflow steps require that a notification email be sent, click Add recipient under Workflow recipients.

    Configure the email
    1. Enter the email address of the person who needs to complete this workflow step. If there are multiple people, enter all email addresses separated by a comma. The email address can be dynamically populated from your form’s Email field.

    2. Click the Insert form answers link.

    3. Enter the short-code for the Email field.

      Short-codes can also personalize content in the email subject and body.

    4. Enter the email subject you want to appear as the Subject: on the email notification. For example, Leave Request Submitted - {{first name}} {{last name}}

    5. In the email body, customize the message using the rich-text editor toolbar. In most cases, the Workflow Link should be included to enable recipients to view the form and complete the workflow step.

    6. [Optional] Enable [Response attachment options] and/or [Email delivery options] if required.

    7. If your workflow step requires multiple emails, such as a sequence of reminder emails, click Add another recipient to add another email for the same workflow step.

      Conditional logic can trigger emails based on form responses. You can also delay email delivery for a specified period.
  7. Repeat the above process for all the steps in your workflow.

  8. Once all the required workflow steps have been configured, scroll up to save and view the form.

  9. When you are satisfied with your workflow, you can click the Next button at the bottom of the screen to be taken to the Form publishing tab. Alternatively, you can click on the tab at the top of the screen.

Response attachment options
Option Description

Attach a PDF document containing form responses

Attaches a PDF copy of the form responses to the email. Read the Generate PDFs section for more information.

Add file uploads as attachments to email (max 30MB)

Includes any uploaded files as attachments to the auto-reply email. By default, secure links to the uploaded files are automatically included in the body of the email.

Email delivery options
Option Description

Delay sending email after form completion instead of sending immediately

Delay sending the email for a specified period. This is useful for sending Workflow reminder emails. You also have the option to send the email even if the workflow step has already been completed at the scheduled time.

Enable conditional logic for this email

Only send the email when certain conditions (responses) are met in other fields on the form. This is useful for sending different emails/recipients for the same workflow step based on form responses. Read the Conditional logic section for more information.

Further actions

You can see an overview of our leave management workflow from the participants' perspective in Workflow example: Employee leave request.

If a workflow participant is unavailable, an Administrator can view and complete the workflow step on their behalf. Read the Managing workflows as an administrator section for more information.